Home Fitness ‘Exercise snack’ could improve health of people living with Type-2 diabetes

‘Exercise snack’ could improve health of people living with Type-2 diabetes

by Universalwellnesssystems

A new study is testing an idea called “exercise snacks” to help improve the overall health of people with type 2 diabetes.

A new study is testing an idea called “exercise snacks” to help improve the overall health of people with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Jonathan Little, principal investigator at the University of British Columbia (UBC), says exercise is good for people with type 2 diabetes.

“Type 2 diabetes is a condition where people have too much blood sugar, blood sugar. This is one of the main reasons why exercise is so good for people with type 2 diabetes. Absorbing glucose isn’t the only reason, but the main reason,” Dr. Little said.

He says people with the disease don’t exercise enough to get these benefits because they find it difficult to sustain. This is done to deal with cases where there is no need to plan.

“Exercise snacks are defined as these short exercises, less than a minute, spread out throughout the day. , you can do it in the morning before you brush your teeth,” Little explained. The concept is that you don’t need to bring a change of clothes, a gym membership, or a treadmill.”

What do exercise snacks look like?

Little says it could be something like squats, lunges, jumping jacks, or something you can do anywhere.

“Such as briskly climbing stairs. So if you see a staircase, you may be briskly walking up, or to get to your car, or to a meeting you were late for on the way,” said Little. added.

He says it’s not a “magic bullet” that completely replaces exercise, but it’s an easier and more attractive option to fit into a type 2 diabetic’s day.

“But certainly the guideline for people with type 2 diabetes is to do 150 minutes a week,” said Little. That’s because eating carbohydrates after a meal raises blood sugar levels, and when you go for a walk, the muscles you use during the walk absorb some of the glucose and prevent that big spike. Snacks for exercise, you know, are another potential avenue to explore or add to, not necessarily suggesting that they replace that sort of traditional type of exercise. not.

He also says that exercise snacks can help people who work long hours at a desk eliminate long periods of sitting and help their metabolism.

“On the other hand, taking a break as an exercise snack might help you break up long periods of sitting while still getting the fitness benefits,” Little said.

A little exercise can help ‘manage diabetes better’

Laura Syron has type 2 diabetes and says exercise snacks give her hope and encouragement to exercise and stay fit. To the gym, and where she can balance her life and health.

“One of the things when you’re diagnosed is that you need to get more exercise,” Syron said. They say I should exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day, but it can be very overwhelming.

She says there are five consequences of being diagnosed with diabetes, including heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and even amputation of certain parts of the body that may be impeding blood circulation. .

But if the research works, she says, the exercise could become practical and doable, helping you live a normal life without constantly worrying about these five consequences.

“I want to travel with my retired husband. I want to spend time with my children,” Syron said.

She adds that some Canadians can’t afford to hit the gym or see a nutritionist, especially with the cost of living rising, and the idea of ​​exercise snacks helps with that.

“Canadian people with diabetes at all levels may actually have more control over their health,” Syron said.

This research is still in its early stages and is supported by Diabetes Canada.

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