Home Fitness 10 Minute Seated Abs Workout (Super Strong Core for All Levels)

10 Minute Seated Abs Workout (Super Strong Core for All Levels)

by Universalwellnesssystems

Check out this excellent 10 minute seated ab workout. critical bench.

Designed to be suitable for all ability levels.

10 minute seated abs workout

“This 10-minute seated abs workout can be your most effective (and fastest) core workout ever. You’ll have a stronger core, and it’s perfect for everyone.” am!

sauce: Sellus photo

“In this video, core and bodyweight training expert Brian Klepacki shows you a 10-minute sitting ab workout routine suitable for all levels.”

Video – 10 Minute Seated Abs Workout

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core and abs muscles

Core muscles are the muscles that make up your abdomen, pelvis, and lower back. This is a popular area for many who want to get fit because it’s easy to see how simple exercises like crunches and planks can improve this area.

10 minute seated abs workout – rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis is the muscle you see when you look at yourself in the mirror.

It is also the deepest muscle of the abdomen and is responsible for flexing the spine and pushing the rib cage forward. Good posture works well for these muscles. If not, back pain could be an issue. Exercises that target this area are important if you want to improve your posture.

10 minute seated abs workout – internal obliques

The internal oblique muscle originates on the medial aspect of the lower eight ribs and inserts into the tendon junction on the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle. The internal obliques are the flexors and adductors of the trunk, as well as the internal rotators.

The nerve supply comes from the thoracolumbar fascia.

10 minute seated abs workout – external obliques

The external oblique muscle is a muscle that runs along the side of the body. It helps rotate the torso, flex the spine and bend to the side.

When these muscles contract, the ribcage is pulled down and slightly compressed (shortened ribcage).

10 minute seated abs workout – transversus abdominis

The transversus abdominis is a deep muscle that wraps around the abdomen. Helps stabilize the spine and compress the abdominal cavity. This increases intra-abdominal pressure, which helps protect internal organs from damage.

To contract it, use the following breathing technique. As you inhale deeply through your nose, stretch your belly out as far as possible without straining. Then exhale slowly through pursed lips (as if you were whistling), contracting your abdominal muscles inward toward your spine.

Hold this contraction for 3 seconds, then release and repeat 3 times.

spinal erector

The erector spinae muscles are a group of muscles that run along the spine and help keep it straight and upright.

It also helps rotate the spine, bend it forward and bend it backwards. If you’ve ever had trouble bending over and picking up something off the ground, or if you can’t touch your toes without hunching your back, this could be the reason.

pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in supporting the pelvic organs.

Core muscles are the muscles closest to the spine.

It supports the spine by keeping it in the correct position and can be strengthened with exercises that train it to work together.

For example, doing crunches contracts your abdomen and helps keep your back straight while lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. puts undue pressure on your lower back, which can lead to injury and pain.

The core is also responsible for keeping the body upright when walking and running, which is important for athletes who frequently participate in these activities, such as runners and swimmers.


Core muscles are essential for correct posture, strong movement patterns, and injury prevention.

Add this 10-minute seated ab workout to your workout and start working on your core today.

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