Home Mental Health Mental health, legalized gambling, and the National Archives

Mental health, legalized gambling, and the National Archives

by Universalwellnesssystems

Don’t Justify Mental Health Day

Mental Health Day for School Kids is a Well-Considered and Thoughtful Idea [“Get youths help for mental illness,” Editorial, Jan. 9]But the chances of this being abused and used for the wrong reasons are sadly very reasonable. For example, a parent may send a note that the family is overwhelmed and needs to run away. So they take a vacation, go to Disney World, and feel better.

Unfortunately, parents are already pulling their children out of school for vacations, out-of-town family visits, and more. Instead of justifying it, make it legal for others to do the same. From schoolwork to social-emotional issues, school is where children need to be.

Phil Cicero, North Massapequa

The author is a former Superintendent of Lynnbrook Public Schools.

Adding a casino is choosing our pocket

I think I’m old school.For me, legalized gambling plucks pockets under the guise of the state paying licensing fees and capital investments, and locations are selected by New York’s Gaming Venue Locations Commission. [“State to begin casino bidding for downstate,” News, Jan.5]Talk about the bureaucracy created by the government. Blindfolded living condition. In this case, it’s another name for taxes. People have limited money in their pockets. Food, transportation and clothing prices are high these days. Doesn’t this fundamentally change the character of the community?

All senior housing under construction on Long Island is open market. It’s so easy to carry those busloads into the slot.

Michael Kosinski, East Hills

Investigate archives for lack of oversight

We need to investigate how the National Archives and Records Administration keeps track of protected documents [“DOJ: Possibly classified docs were in Biden office,” News, Jan. 10]Documents are their property. who oversees them?

Steve Birkeland, Bayport

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