Home Nutrition Intermittent Fasting Lowers Risk of Chronic Disease, Cancer

Intermittent Fasting Lowers Risk of Chronic Disease, Cancer

by Universalwellnesssystems

new research reveals that intermittent fasting diabetes, heart disease, and cancer It reshapes genes throughout the body and brain, helping interconnected organ systems function more smoothly.

Intermittent fasting (eating at specific times) has become increasingly popular in recent years, primarily as a way to burn fat.

It works by prolonging the period in which your body burns the calories you consumed at your last meal and begins to burn fat.

However, the latest research points to other health benefits as well.

Professor Satchidananda Panda, one of the most influential researchers on intermittent fasting, said: new research It was published on January 3rd.

Scientists observed two groups of mice fed the same diet. One group was fed ad libitum and the other he was restricted to eating within a daily 9-h feeding window.

Over a century ago, fasting was said to be a cure for diabetes, rapidly stopping the onset of diabetes, and the complete disappearance of all symptoms within days or weeks. (Shutterstock)

After seven weeks, tissue samples were collected at various times of the day from 22 organ groups, including brain, liver, stomach, lung, heart, adrenal gland, kidney and intestine, and analyzed for genetic alterations.

They found that 70% of mouse genes respond to fasting.

“By changing the timing of our meals, we were able to alter the gene expression of thousands of genes in the brain, not just in the gut and liver,” Panda said.

Nearly 40% of the genes in the adrenal gland, hypothalamus, and pancreas (an important organ for regulating hormones) were affected by fasting.

These results suggest that fasting may help manage many diseases, with or without pharmaceutical intervention, from diabetes to stress disorders.

“We found that time-restricted diets in mice have system-wide molecular effects,” Panda said.

“Our results open the door to explore more closely how this nutritional intervention activates genes involved in specific diseases such as cancer.”

Fasting can also reverse diabetes

A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in early December 2022 found that nearly 90% of participants with type 2 diabetes reduced their medication intake after intermittent fasting. I was.

Fifty-five percent of these people experienced diabetes remission, stopped taking medication, and maintained it for at least one year.

Certain groups, such as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, who take insulin or other medications to control diabetes, or who have seizure disorders, should consult their health care provider before fasting. It is recommended.

Jesse Chan

Jessie Zhang is a Sydney-based reporter covering Australian news with a focus on health and the environment. Please contact her at [email protected].

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