Home Mental Health Saudi director highlights mental health struggles in ‘Lucky You Are Mine’ at RSIFF

Saudi director highlights mental health struggles in ‘Lucky You Are Mine’ at RSIFF

by Universalwellnesssystems

DUBAI: Expanding on the successful platform built in 2021, Hia Magazine’s Hia Hub 2022 will offer a more interactive experience and celebrity talks at its second event in Riyadh, says Editor-in-Chief Mia Badr he told Arab News.

“Since its inception, Hia Magazine has represented and satisfied Arab women, especially Saudi women who are sophisticated, discerning, complex and multifaceted. has always championed her voice, told her story, engaged and inspired her with insightful, thought-provoking writing and exciting fashion trends. It was envisioned as a platform to bridge international and local audiences,” Hia Magazine editor-in-chief Mia Badr said in an interview with Arab News.

“This year we celebrate our 30th anniversary with the second season of Hia Hub. There’s no better place to host the event than where it all began and where it continues to thrive. Grow — Here in Saudi Arabia,” she added.

Badr said the event aims to reshape the boundaries of “leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity in the Hia fashion community.”

As the fashion industry explodes and grows exponentially in Saudi Arabia, Badr looks forward to making Hia Hub the center of conversation.

“Local designers have been garnering attention with brands and designers such as Mohammed Ashi receiving high marks from the global media; Hindammeh; There are young pioneers like Arwa Al-Banawi, known for their fresh and modern RTW namesake brand collaborating with . said Badr.

When asked about his favorite speaker in the lineup for this edition, Badr refused to use his favorite speaker. “They excel in their respective fields, so it matters what topics they are interested in. We are interested in everything from women’s leadership, to how beauty brands are built, to sustainability, to the rise of We covered all relevant topics: craftsmanship in culture, the new generation of creatives influencing the fashion sector, styling and makeup workshops, etc… there really is something for everyone and they are It is no exaggeration to say that everything is wonderful!”

The event includes American fashion designer Zac Posen, iconic Hollywood stylist Laura Roach, Emirati singer Balquis Fatih, French-Moroccan fashion designer Charaf Tajar, celebrity stylist Cedric Haddad, Iraqi American beauty mogul Celebrities such as Mona Kattan are expected to attend.

Speakers and topics were chosen with local cultural resonance in mind. “To ensure a broad spectrum and different perspectives for candid and thought-provoking conversations, we focused on inviting professional candidates, both locally and internationally, to ensure representation and diversity.” said Badr.

For more information on Hia Hub, please visit hiahub.com.

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