Home Health Care Will Trump’s budget cuts slash Medicaid coverage? This physician says no.

Will Trump’s budget cuts slash Medicaid coverage? This physician says no.

by Universalwellnesssystems

All Utah Legislature Representatives Voted for the federal budget framework What healthcare worries could potentially cut billions of Medicaid spending over the next decade.

However, the two stressed that the Parliamentary Committee of the Budget must now propose.

“The budget resolution is just a kickoff,” said a US official. Mike Kennedya Republican representing the state’s third legislative district.

Doctor and lawyer Kennedy said anyone who advocates for a Medicaid cut before looking at the actual proposal would have no idea what they are talking about or lied about what they know. Representative of Burgess Owensa Republican representing Utah’s fourth district, said there was misinformation about what the budget would do.

still The expert said Mathematics voted to approve by the House is not possible without reducing Medicaid.

They are particularly concerned in Utah, as the law passed in 2019 means that if the federal government starts to start paying less than 90% of its costs, it will either abolish or completely remove compensation from thousands of Yutans.

“Our clients rely on Medicaid for their health insurance,” said Daryl Herrschaft, who directs the Take Care Care program for the Utah Health Policy Project. “Whether they’re low-income individuals, people with disabilities, or people with long-term care, those who are dependent on Medicaid will face serious harm if Medicaid is cut.”

Utah’s Medicaid Expansion Sunset Clause

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 217-215 last month to approve a budget framework that calls for various committees to cut billions of dollars in spending over the next 10 fiscal years, which will take place from October 1 to September 30th.

The budget resolution directs the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to find at least $880 billion in cuts between fiscal 2025 and 2034.

Reductions must be made from programs that the committee has jurisdiction. For the House Energy and Commerce Committee, including Medicare and Medicaid.

According to Report from the Congressional Budget Officethe forecast for all spending in the jurisdiction of the boards other than Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program is up to $381 billion over the course of 10 fiscal years.

And when Medicare was put aside, Medicaid accounted for 93% of funds under the committee’s jurisdiction, a nonpartisan office found.

It’s generally about supporters, but especially for one program: the expansion of Medicaid.

(David A. Lieb | ap) Workers at Medicaid call centers will review information on eligibility determination in Jefferson City, Missouri on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Affordable Care Methods in 2010 He expanded the Medicaid program to the state to encourage them to cover lower-income Americans who are not covered by health insurance through their jobs. Forty states, including Utah, and the District of Columbia, have extended their health insurance since 2014 to an estimated 21 million people.

Instead, the federal government will pay 90% of the cost to cover the expanded population. This is much higher than other federal games for Medicaid beneficiaries. This is an average of around 57% nationwide.

Utah and eight other states have what is known as triggering methods related to the expansion of Medicaid. In this case, federal funding is below 90% of the cost of expanded coverage, which triggers Sunset Utah’s expansion program.

According to the report, more than 75,000 Utahns will obtain coverage through Medicaid expansion. Utah’s Children’s Voice.

“An increase in the number of uninsured people will lead to more uncompensated care and harm healthcare providers and state and local budgets,” the organization wrote in the post.

“Medicaid is an important program that keeps Utans healthy,” said Matt Slonaker, executive director of the Utah Health Policy Project. “Medicaid of this size means thousands of Utan’s compensation losses.”

Half of Utah’s federal funds are linked to Medicaid

(Rick Egan | Salt Lake Tribune) Kevin Mangum is watching patients at Murray’s Primary Health Care on Friday, August 4, 2023.

Utah Health Policy Project, a Nonpartisan nonprofit organizations The organization added that cuts will shift burdens to the state.

Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal and state governments, and state funding is determined by the Federal Medical Assistance Rate (FMAP). This is the percentage of Medicaid costs covered by the federal government.

Future fiscal year, Utah fmap It is set at 62.46%. This means that for every dollar of Utah spends on Medicaid, the federal government spends $1.66.

Utah is less dependent on federal funds than other states, but about half of the state’s support for Medicaid are Report from Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute.

Losing it would cripple the state’s budget, voices for Utah children debate, leaving small towns and rural communities without a “lifeline important to healthcare.”

“Without the critical funding that Medicaid brings, we see an increase in health care costs for all Utah taxpayers and enormous, unsustainable pressure on the state’s budget and ability to access care,” wrote one of the organization’s policy analysts.

The governor is seeking table seating as Congress is considering cutting potential programs.

“Without consultation and proper planning, the proposed Medicaid cuts in Congress will affect state budgets, rural hospitals and healthcare service providers.” National Governors Association Colorado Governor Jared Police and Oklahoma Governor Vice-Chair Kevin Stitt said in a statement.

“Fear” and sowing mix chaos

Republicans argue that people will not lose their coverage.

And for Kennedy, it’s personal. He is a family medicine doctor Premier Family Medical Group And he said he saw thousands of patients with Medicaid coverage.

“The idea that someone like me would throw those people out in a cold winter when there was no one is ridiculous,” Kennedy said. “I’m deeply committed to those people and make sure they’re harmless.”

(Rick Egan | Salt Lake Tribune) Mike Kennedy attended the Primary Party on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 as Sandy’s parliamentary candidate.

Kennedy called the focus on Medicaid “terrifying” and tried to “confuse” President Donald Trump’s plans from moving forward. He said the story is about moving “a political message with others who don’t read budget resolutions.”

US House Speaker Mike Johnson Interview with CNNI say all the attention to it because it’s a “Democrat topic.” Republicans are focused on eliminating fraud, waste and abuse, he said, not people’s health care.

“This budgetary framework will create parent-family and competitive tax policies, find substantial savings across federal programs, support national security strategies, unlock domestic energy production, and repeat burdensome regulations. Rep. Blake MooreHe, representing Utah’s First Congressional District, said in a statement.

The Salt Lake Tribune did not receive a response to a request for comment from the Second Congress Celeste Malloy’s representative.

Moore and Malloy are Republicans, and Moore House Budget Committee It helped to develop a resolution that outlines the budget framework.

Megan Banta is a data enterprise reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune. A philanthropic support position. The Tribune manages all editorial decisions.

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