Home Fitness How often should I wash my exercise clothes?

How often should I wash my exercise clothes?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Do you get back from a running or sweaty gym session and get into the washing machine and get into a hot cycle? Or will you leave it on your chair (or floordrobe) so you can wear it again tomorrow?

Earlier this year, the French government He caused a stir with advice How often do I wash clothes? For sports clothing, we recommend up to three wear before washing.

This arises from legitimate environmental concerns – each washing cycle consumes Important water and energy. Frequently washed It can also break down and contribute more quickly. Textile waste.

But what about our health? If you think about your stinky t-shirt or damp sports bra squeals you, here’s what you need to know.

Sports clothes and sweat

In the past, exercise clothes were usually made from natural fibers (mainly cotton). Now it’s mostly I made it of High performance Synthetic fabric. They are designed to control moisture, regulate temperature, improve breathability and control odor.

but Research shows This type of exercise clothing, especially synthetic fabrics, can hold a considerable amount of bacteria after just one use.

Polyester traps moisture and creates warm, moist microenvironmental bacteria.

When your clothes are sweaty and damp, Increase in bacteria It’s practically much faster. There is a direct correlation between the amount of bacteria and how strong the smell is.

However, research shows textile innovations, such as integration of Silver nanoparticles With fiber, Essential Oil Base Treatment, Long-term antibiotics Therapeutic and structural fiber innovations make clothing more durable and better at controlling bacteria.

So is it safe to reuse gym clothes?

This depends on several factors.

Fabric type

Natural fibers such as cotton increase bacteria that cause less odor Synthesis. Therefore, if you are exercising wearing these fabrics, you may have worn several times before you need to wash them.

Exercise intensity and sweat level

Because bacterial growth directly correlates with fabric moisture levels, low-strength activities (including mild yoga and walking) that produce minimal or low sweat can allow for more re-fatigue than high-strength training.

(In fact, the French government’s advice acknowledges the frequency of washing sports clothes. It depends on how much you sweat. )


climate (temperature, humidity, airflow) has a major effect on the amount of bacteria growing in the fabric. Therefore, if you sweat, you may not be able to wash your clothes in the cooler month.

Personal health

Some people need to re-take gym clothes. For example, those with a tendency to skin conditions, an invasion of the immune system, or skin infections.

The frequency with which you wash your exercise clothes can depend on the season and the amount of sweat you sweat.
Ricardo Mattei/Shutterstock

Therefore, if you’re wearing a cotton T-shirt and shorts, do something lighter, such as a walk in the cool morning air.

However, synthetic performance wear, or clothing worn for moderate or intense workouts, should be washed every time you use it (Cold wash cycles are fine). This is especially important for clothing that is in contact with high bacterial areas such as the armpits, gro diameters, and feet.

Clothing tips between clothes:

  1. Flip your clothes over (this exposes bacteria to the air) and hang up the phone immediately after exercise

  2. Make sure you have the item It’s completely dry Before saving

  3. Store in a well-ventilated area. Not found in closed containers such as laundry problems or bags

  4. If possible, hang clothes under the sun – short UV exposure Provides the benefits of natural antibiotics

  5. Keep your items worn from beautiful clothes.


In the end, it depends on your personal choice. Each of us should weigh the environmental benefits of potential health concerns and exercise habits.

However, some items should be washed at all times after use. Sports bras and underwear, socks, visible dirty things and odors, clothing worn during high-intensity training and hot seasons.

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