“There are a lot of contracts between the AHS and the government. We have to live with it,” Mentzelopoulos claims to tell Lagrange.
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The former CEO of the Alberta Health Department has challenged public comments made by the Prime Minister and the Health Minister in a new statement issued minutes before the state filed a defense statement on the issue, suggesting that she was let go because “she couldn’t do her job.”
In a new statement issued Thursday, Atana Menzelopoulos said he acknowledges his gratitude by Health Minister Daniel Smith Adriana Lagrange. Although she admits that her statement of claims is severe enough to justify multiple investigations, she challenges the character of her disregarding the government’s agenda.
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“I am saddened that Prime Minister Smith and Minister Lagrange had accused me of trying to go against the government’s policies and direction,” she said.
“They placed their trust in me to help restore integrity in the AHS procurement process, and I have placed my trust in the government to help support my trust and work that will help ensure the highest value for Alberta taxpayers.”
Mentzelopoulos sued AHS and Lagrange for $1.7 million, claiming that they were inappropriately fired after excavating evidence of a private clinic’s inflated contract, according to the statement of the allegation.
Mentzelopoulos claims that on December 13, 2024, he explained to Lagrange about an ongoing internal investigation and external financial audit.
She complained that Lagrange took too long for Menzelopoulos to sign contracts for the chartered surgical facility, but argued that some of those contracts could be “sh-“.
“There are a lot of contracts between AHS and the government. We have to live with it,” Menzelopoulos claims he told Lagrange during the briefing.
Mentzelopoulos argues that the contracts under review are attributed to directives from Lagrange himself and include contracts pursued by the AHS at government direction.
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She says that Dynamic has no choice but to detain staff and follow government instructions.
“I’ve come to understand their confusion – Do what this government says and fired. And if there is a problem with implementing this government direction without question later, you will be totally accountable,” Mentzelopoulos said.
“I couldn’t do her job.”
Justice Minister Mickey Amery posted 47 minutes after Mentzelopoulos’ statement was emailed to journalists Social Media Links In a government defense statement.
Mentzelopoulos said he was fired after “increasing frustration for several months” and accused him of failing to refocus the state’s planned health care system.
“In the end, the plaintiff was fired for failing to do her job despite being given many opportunities to do so,” and accused her of being “famous” in an investigation into the procurement system that the government said had produced results.
“The plaintiffs refused to participate in this strategic policy initiative and instead took steps to disrupt and delay efforts to optimize health care delivery in the state.”
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It denied government interference in the then CEO’s investigation, portraying Mentzelopoulos as opportunistic and accusing her of trying to harness her position to extract “big paydays.”
“The plaintiff fulfilled her claims with various allegations of fraud, scattered with political conspiracy claims targeting many individuals within and outside the government without considering the effects of her attacks,” reads.
“She presented dramatic and false narratives of political persecution, perhaps in order to pressure the AHS to provide contractual qualifications and provide more than distracting her from her own inadequate performance.”
It presents another version of the event about the premier Marshall Smith chief, who claimed that Mentzelopoulos put pressure on her on the surgical contract and that he contacted her but refused to blackmail her.
He also claims that Marshall Smith had no personal connections. JP Prasad anda procurement manager repeatedly named in the Mentzelopulos lawsuit.
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The statement further argues that Mentzelopulos’ shootings are unrelated to a planned visit with the audit general two days later.
“Her ending is not too involved if she could speak to the auditor.”
Mentzelopoulos’ allegations in both her statement of claim and Thursday’s statement have not yet been tested in court.
Six investigations are underway
None of the claims made by the government or Mentzelopoulos have been tested in court yet.
Postmedia has reached the Premier office for comment. Lagrange repeatedly says that allegations against her are wrong. Daniel Smith has similarly denied fraud.
Smith said She believes that AHS may be stagnant in government plans to use more chartered surgical centres to improve waiting times for surgery.
“We need to understand whether this is really stuffing the legs to prevent this from actually stuffing the legs and using charter surgery centres to reduce patient waiting lists,” she said on February 28 that Menzelopoulos was fired due to a new need for leadership.
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“New leadership moving in a new direction must be satisfied that the work that wakes up every day is thinking about ways to improve performance in more than 100 facilities run by Alberta Health Services, rather than figuring out a way to shut down everyone else.”
Mentzelopoulos’ first statement of claims prompted six investigations, including the state audit general, a former Manitoba judge and the RCMP.
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