Home Medicine Microexpressions, plant medicine and zodiac birth charts — inside the world of alternative business coaching 

Microexpressions, plant medicine and zodiac birth charts — inside the world of alternative business coaching 

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s a universally accepted truth that any entrepreneur with a healthy fortune must need a coach.

Big companies, from Richard Branson to Bill Gates, second hand coach To reach the top and stay there. Demand for business coaching is skyrocketing, and the industry is expected to grow 10x his. $27.5 billion From 2020 to 2026.

But as it boomed, coaching waned criticism As therapists are the regulated siblings of the therapeutic industry, which lack the rigorous training required to deal with complex emotional challenges.

And clearly not all leaders are content with just using the same old motivational speeches and frameworks to improve their performance. Or is understanding your team member’s zodiac sign the key to unlocking growth for your company? How is the Age of Aquarius impacting your business?

Welcome to the world of alternative business coaching.

“Face Whisperer”

At first glance, Kim-Adele Randall may not seem to offer an outsider’s perspective on the corporate world.

He has held senior positions in organizations such as Barclays and AXA Insurance, and was a member of the UK Board of Trustees. But today, she uses the somewhat controversial psychology of the ’60s known as “microexpressions” to tell CEOs, founders, and investors what people really think and feel. I coach using techniques.

“We use the same combination of 43 facial muscles to express the same seven human emotions, regardless of age, race, gender, or culture,” explains Randall.

According to this theory, seven emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, surprise) are always betrayed by faces, and with training, we can read even 1/25th of a second microexpressions. .

Randall describes himself as a “Certified Face Whisperer Practitioner” on his website.

She now uses this technique to teach investors to read the faces of founders and CEOs who are looking for investors, so that people are either nervous or lying about their businesses. said that it helps to know

“Once you know what you’re looking for, you can say, ‘Would you like to know what part of that person’s pitch makes them anxious?'” argues Randall. “The closest you’ll get to someone lying to you is disgust. We’ve all been taught that lying is wrong, so even if you choose to lie, , there is an element of being a little fed up with yourself emotionally.

But does teaching this technique run the risk of investors oversimplifying the complex human condition and drawing conclusions about humans based on hard-to-define visual cues? of psychologists have questioned the reliability of reading microfacial expressions and “Dangerous Pseudoscience” It doesn’t really help detect deception.

Randall teaches clients to “never assume” anything based on microexpressions, but should use them as clues to dig deeper and “ask better questions” in the investment room. said.

low vibration

She’s not the only one using leftfield theory in her coaching practice. Shortly after starting her Zoom call with Marcus Druen, “the transformational leadership her coach,” who incorporates psychedelics into her practice, he displayed a chart showing what Hawkins calls her scale.

Hawkins scale

This Chart — Created by Psychiatrists and Spiritual Researchers Dr. David R. Hawkins — Maps 17 levels of human consciousness, from shame to enlightenment.

Druen likes working with clients who “want to change themselves and really change their systems,” and understanding the importance of these low-vibrational frequencies is key to making that change happen. They say it can be the key.

Marcus Druen
Marcus Druen

“Do you want to expand your relationships with colleagues, bosses and employees? Yet you show up at work with a lot of fear, sadness, indifference, or even guilt and shame – these are very low vibrational frequencies? We can’t expect this relationship that we’re co-creating with this energy to expand,” he says.

psychedelic concierge

More recently, Druen has begun incorporating psychedelics into his coaching practice.

Although he does not control the substance himself, he considers himself a sort of “psychedelic concierge” who prepares his clients for psychedelic experiences and helps them integrate the often profound moments into their lives.

“This is definitely a modality that helps let go of the ‘type A’ business person. It gives them the experience of surrendering themselves to the drug,” Druen says. “For those who have ever taken macro [a large dose of] Psilocybin or ayahuasca, when you try to control your experience, drugs show you who’s in charge. “

He has now launched an initiative he calls “Psychedelic Maps for Change”. This initiative incorporates practices such as breathwork and therapy by trained professionals to provide clients with a broader framework for their psychedelic journey.

An illustration of how a psychedelic map for change works
An illustration of how a psychedelic map for change works

Psychedelics may not be for the faint of heart, but Druen’s coaching isn’t for the faint of heart. We and she can easily talk for 10 to 20 grand if they want to work together for a year.

cosmic coaching

Druen describes his work as sitting somewhere between the “clinical, recreational, and shamanic” uses of psychedelics, and how clients Change your view of the universe.

Another coach who brings a celestial perspective to the world of business is Georgi Karamihaylov. Not only does he use ‘Energy Flow’ techniques in his coaching, but he also has a book titled ‘The Shaman of Enterprises and Communities in the Age of Aquarius’ which aims to ‘prepare future managers for generations to come’. Also the author of the book.

Image of Georgi Karamikhailov sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat on a hill
Georgi Karamikhailov

Karam tells Sifted that the Age of Aquarius — an astrological concept that describes a new era into which humanity will transition — is already having a major impact on the business world.

“The Age of Aquarius is completely changing the entire organizational hierarchy. It’s going to happen even if people don’t want to hear it,” he says. “The change is clear. We are moving towards a world where material things are of little value and it is energy and information that are of value.”

Callum said this shift can be seen in the rise of the sharing economy and platforms like Airbnb, where companies don’t necessarily own the assets that users enjoy.

He admits that astrology can be a “dangerous topic,” but with too many people dropping it into the tabloids’ daily horoscopes, the Chinese zodiac is a powerful tool for businessmen. He believes it could become

“What I do with the organization is teach astrology more in terms of understanding it as an experience,” he explains. “Then you can see why your colleague who is an Aries for example is so passionate and always boasts. I can understand why people are more introverted.”

Callum ideally would like this coaching work to include: natal chart (empty map from where and the moment you were born) As many people in your organization as possible.

He even encourages founders to consider the moves of heaven before starting a business. Because the time and place an organization is launched affects the birth chart of that company. The important thing is not just to do it. Consulting an astrologer is highly recommended at this time. “

cross the line

How much stake you put into Heavenly Order when making business decisions obviously depends a lot on your worldview.

Karam says he’s been training in energy practices for years, but he doesn’t pretend to be an independent, certified coach.why do i have to pay so much [for a course] What about someone’s methodology for me, who has been doing yoga, martial arts, or alternative therapies for over 20 years?”

Randall and Druen, on the other hand, are both independently certified, but the stark difference in their practice styles shows how diverse the coaching profession has become today.

For Randall, the most important thing is knowing when coaching begins to shift to more serious issues that should be addressed by trained therapists. It is better to consult another specialist. “

Tim Smith is Sifted’s Iberia correspondent.he tweets from @Timp Smith

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