Donations Make a Lasting Impact
Little Shop of Physics founder Brian Jones, who was part of the team that visited Uganda in 2019, said a donation of just $50 could educate, feed and house Ugandan children for a year. I was.
“I don’t know where else I can donate and put the money to better use,” he said, adding that it costs about $10,000 a year to pay teachers and feed as many as 200 children.
The Little Shop of Physics promises to raise at least $5,000 annually by selling scientific equipment and hosting fundraising events. At the next big event, Spring Science Extravaganza in April, attendees can purchase grab bags of cool science gadgets. Know that 100% of the money spent goes to support schools.
Jones hopes to return to Uganda with CSU undergraduates in 2024.
bus documentary Won “Best Documentary Short” At last spring’s Julian Dubuque International Film Festival, he and Serunjogi will return to Dubuque, Iowa in April for another screening. documentary The beginning of next year’s festival.
According to Busu, the school’s future plans include adding a dormitory, a cafeteria, and a small house where Serunjogi can stay when he visits. It became so.