Home Medicine Professor Kamakoti of IIT Madras Advocates Cow Urine..

Professor Kamakoti of IIT Madras Advocates Cow Urine..

by Universalwellnesssystems

IIT Madras Director Professor V. Kamakoti said cow urine is an important medicine and claimed that it has properties that can fight harmful bacteria in the human body. Speaking at a religious function in Chennai, Professor Kamakoti said that consumption of cow urine is effective in reducing fever. His remarks subsequently received widespread attention on social media.

On January 15, a puja ceremony was performed during the Kanuma festival celebrations at a cow shelter in West Mambaram, Chennai. Professor Kamakoti attended the event and shared personal anecdotes about his father. He said his father once consulted a monk when he suffered from a fever. Instead of suggesting conventional treatment, the monk advised the father to drink cow urine. Kamakoti said her father took it and his fever subsided within 15 minutes.

Professor Kamakoti highlighted the medicinal properties of cow urine, highlighting that it contains compounds that can eliminate harmful bacteria in the body.

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