Home Products 9 high-protein fruits to help build muscle, lose weight

9 high-protein fruits to help build muscle, lose weight

by Universalwellnesssystems

Don’t overlook fruit when trying to add more protein to your diet.

It may not be possible to make it with fruit. High protein food listhowever, some options can provide essential macronutrients with the added benefit of fruit’s richer components such as fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Protein is important for satiety, tissue repair, and muscle growth. high protein diet It has long been popular for weight loss. More recently, plant based diet It has also gained attention for helping people lose weight and offering other health benefits.

compared to other plantsLike beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, fruits are low in protein, confirms TODAY nutrition editor Natalie Rizzo, R.D.

“But every gram of protein is important, especially if you’re following a plant-forward diet,” Rizzo says, noting that most people need at least 20 grams of protein per meal.

“The sugar found in fruit is a perfectly healthy addition to your diet and provides energy for daily activities and exercise.”

Eating fruits also has many benefits, including nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, and D. Potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, botanical compounds, and fiber.

“Having said that, I believe that the protein in fruit is additive rather than dependent on protein intake,” Rizzo says.

For example, getting 2 grams of protein from blackberries is a great way to add other proteins, but eating 5 cups of blackberries to get 10 grams of protein is the best way to get 10 grams of protein from that one food. “It’s probably an overdose,” she explains.

Introducing fruits that are high in protein. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the fruit contains more than 1 gram of protein per serving, which is considered high for a fruit, Rizzo said.

passion fruit

Tropical fruits have been explained TODAY.com reports that it has a fragrant “jelly-like golden flesh” surrounded by a hard, wrinkled rind. It is also rich in dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamins A and C.

The pulp can be eaten raw, as a topping for yogurt, or added to juices and drinks.


When ripe, Jackfruit It is a relative of figs and breadfruit and can be eaten like any sweet fresh fruit. However, the unripe fruit has received a lot of attention because it has the consistency of chicken or pork and can be used as a meat replacement in plant-based diets. Jackfruit can be added to barbecues, sautés, or stews.


There are ruby ​​red seeds inside. pomegranate It is rich in antioxidants and provides dietary fiber, fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists say nearly 30 percent of the fruit’s seed weight contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids that are beneficial for heart health.


  • 1 cup of sliced ​​fresh raw fruit, 2.3 grams of protein

  • 1 cup dried apricots, halved, 4.4 grams protein

Stone fruits contain fiber, antioxidants, iron, and vitamins C, E, B6, and A. the study They showed that apricots contain “a number of important compounds” that reduce inflammation. The fruit is delicious both raw and as a dried snack. Apricots are also available food list nutritionist eat to prevent cancer.


The deep blue-purple color is blackberries It comes from bioactive compounds found in fruits and is a powerful nutrient signal. The antioxidant properties of berries “appear to provide a remarkable weapon in reducing cancer risk.” the study I found it. The fiber in blackberries also supports gut health.


This tropical fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. guava It has a sweet and sour flavor and is often compared to the flavors of strawberries and pears. It can be eaten raw, added to smoothies and salads, or made into jam.


Small but nutritious, raisins promote satiety, are high in fiber, are good for your gut, and improve heart health. the study I found it.

Contains raisins Potassium to manage blood pressurethe American Heart Association says: Healthy snacks recommended by cardiologists.

Naturally sweet raisins are high in calories, so it’s best to limit your serving size to a handful.


  • 1 orange, 1.2 grams of protein

  • 1 grapefruit, 2.3 grams of protein

It is known as an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important for a healthy immune system. orange and grapefruit It is also rich in dietary fiber and potassium. It is highly nutritious and low in calories. These fruits are also high in water, which helps keep you hydrated and promotes satiety.


The distinguishing features are cantaloupe According to registered dietitian Samantha Cassetti, it’s rich in vitamin A. One cup provides 40% of your daily recommended intake, primarily in the form of beta-carotene, which is essential for eye health and immune function, she points out.

Cantaloupes are great for fruit salads, smoothies, and desserts.

This article was first published today.com

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