Health Minister Dr. Narinda Jayatissa, during a visit to the government-owned Welisara Homeopathy, said that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Mass Media will strengthen the role of homeopathy in Sri Lanka’s healthcare system and make homeopathy more accessible and cost-effective for the people. He said he plans to make it a high-end product. hospital.
The hospital provides daily treatment for conditions such as pediatric and women’s health issues, respiratory diseases, skin disorders, chronic headaches, diabetes, and arthritis. The outpatient department treats 200 patients daily and the inpatient department operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Noting the potential of homeopathy as a treatment with minimal side effects, Dr. Jayatissa filled staff vacancies, secured the supply of medicines, established laboratory services and expanded the hospital’s inpatient ward to 50 beds. He outlined plans to upgrade the facility. Additional plans include introducing services such as X-rays, physical therapy and consultations, as well as turning the hospital into an educational institution.
The Homeopathic Medical Council proposed initiatives such as establishing homeopathic medical colleges, local production of medicines, expanding clinics and hospitals nationwide, and strengthening human resource development. Dr. Jayatissa encouraged more Sri Lankan students to come to India for advanced studies in homeopathy.
He also highlighted homeopathy’s potential to attract health tourism as part of broader national development goals.
The event was attended by medical experts such as Dr. Chandani Herath, Medical Director of Welisara Homeopathic Hospital and Dr. Ashan Niranka Dunukala, Chairman of the Homeopathic Medical Council.
Homeopathy is a medical system introduced to the world in 1796 by allopathic physician Dr. Christian Fedrich Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle that “like cures like” (Similia similibus curantur), which means using medicines that produce like. Treating the symptoms of a disease. (Newswire)