Home Fitness From losing 50kg to discovering new sport: How Dubai Fitness Challenge changed expats’ lives – News

From losing 50kg to discovering new sport: How Dubai Fitness Challenge changed expats’ lives – News

by Universalwellnesssystems

Now in its 6th edition, the DFC has played a major role in influencing the fitness journeys of many.

Release: Saturday, November 19, 2022 6:00

When the Dubai Fitness Challenge (DFC) launched, its mission was to transform the emirate into one of the most active and dynamic cities in the world. Every year we get closer to our ultimate goal, but more amazing things happen along the way. People are starting to turn their lives around.

As the sixth fitness frenzy continues, Khaleeji Times Thanks to DFC, I’ve caught up with many people who have found inspiration and decided to change their lifestyle.

One such person was Dr. Krishnadas Nanas, Associate Professor and Head of the Data Science Program at Middlesex University in Dubai. “My weight was almost in the triple digits,” he recalled.

“I decided I needed to do something about it, and last year’s fitness challenge began. thought.

Krishnadas did 30 minutes of exercise for 30 days, and at the end of the month he started running and cycling regularly and just kept going.

“One thing about Dubai is that if you want to be fit, there are so many events throughout the year,” he said. It gave me a certain goal to keep working on.”

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The Dubai resident has now lost over 26kg and is the healthiest he has ever been. “People ask me how he finds time for fitness,” he said.

“Priority is everything. No one asks me how I found the time when I watch a movie. It takes less time to complete an exercise. I put my 3-year-old son at an event.” I hope fitness will become an integral part of his life as he grows.”

fat fit

For Husam Mohamed, this challenge was a turning point. A Sudanese citizen battling obesity, diabetes and hypertension decided to use DFC as his wake-up call.

“I am impressed that our Crown Prince is calling on everyone to be fit and healthy,” he said. “I’ve always been a big fan of his, so I decided to give it a try.”

In an amazing feat, a Dubai resident lost over 50kg. “I could only take a few steps without stopping to catch my breath,” he said.

“Today I ran a full marathon, participated in the Spartan World Championships, and am now a CrossFit and nutrition coach.DFC has been the biggest catalyst in my life’s fitness journey.”

Similarly, at one point in his life, Sandeep Sathyan weighed as much as 118 kg and avoided even posting photos on social media for fear of ridicule.

But when the city of Dubai launched the ‘Your Weight in Gold’ campaign, he became ambitious to lose weight.

Shortly after, when the Dubai Fitness Challenge started, he used it as an opportunity to level up his fitness. “At the time, I was still learning about exercise and diet,” he said. “That month was a great start for him to commit to exercise and do it regularly.”

Today the Dubai resident weighs 70kg and couldn’t be happier. “My health and confidence have changed dramatically,” he said.

“I think DFC was a game changer in my life. Since 2017, I have been participating in different activities around town with my friends once a month. I love it when fitness suddenly becomes everyone’s concern, and most of us in my group of friends maintain that month’s momentum throughout the year.”

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start a new sport

In 2017, Gina Jacob had just given birth to her first child and was overweight and frustrated. Fitness When her challenge started, she took it as a sign and decided to try fitness.

“I got a lot of messages about getting fit and staying fit, so that was my motivation,” she said. “I’ve always enjoyed sports and was looking for something like soccer or basketball.”

After looking around for a while, she found a club, but it only offered free rugby classes. But it was a much-needed turning point in her life. Rugby became her solace in overcoming difficult life situations.

Today she is an established rugby player participating in several major tournaments in the country. Her dream is to join the Indian national rugby team. “I know there are some weaknesses that need to be addressed, but I hope to get through them,” she said. “DFC and how it has changed my life.” I am very grateful to

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