Home Medicine How Can Healthcare And Alternative Medicine Safely Adopt Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

How Can Healthcare And Alternative Medicine Safely Adopt Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Companies as diverse as aerospace, retail, gaming, security, and telecommunications have recently discovered the power of combining artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) to reduce complexity within their industries.


AI in healthcare

A few years ago, both of these innovations seemed almost alien to even the most advanced industries. Making the most of both AI and VR capabilities to survive in today’s hyperactive and competitive market is almost a mission of every company.

The building of Internet of Things (IoT), mobile communications, and 5G tools are now also contributing significantly to the rapid expansion of these technologies across multiple sectors.

Most experts argued that these developments form part of advanced business, primarily in fields such as military, security, engineering, architecture and aviation, but the need for cutting-edge tools gender has quickly become apparent within the industry. Healthcare and alternative medicine market in recent years.

For quite some time, many in the field of modern and alternative medicine have seen the use of AI as a way to reduce stress on the healthcare system.

This was tried in the first half of the pandemic. This is due to the surge in patient numbers required by the national healthcare system. In the second half, deep machine learning replaces mundane tasks and jobs typically performed by medical staff and other industry professionals.

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we can see how AI algorithms are frequently used in the field of cancer research for AI-assisted CT or MRI scans and computer-driven healthcare translation.

There is an urgent need to properly and efficiently diagnose ADHD and ASD patients, and AI can be used to diagnose such patients. Research is now underway to track eye movements to detect his ASD. This reduces long lead times to visits, as well as costly and time-consuming consultations.

In the realm of virtual reality, clinical and medical professionals are now able to combine different technologies to enhance multi-sensory work environments. A new study from Ohio University found that adopting virtual or augmented reality tools can also help reduce the stress, anxiety and burnout experienced by healthcare workers.

This is especially true during COVID lockdowns, when people are stuck at home and unable to go outside. VR opens up the possibility of online medical consultations, also known as telemedicine, allowing doctors to continue seeing and treating patients from the comfort of their own homes.

The ongoing developments and opportunities seem limitless, but what can these technologies bring to the alternative medicine market for clinical and contemporary medical practice? Is there room to safely apply the technology?

To get a better understanding from an industry perspective, we spoke with our founder and CEO, Yat-Gai Au. Regencell Bioscience (RGC) is a company focused on the research, development and commercialization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for the treatment of neurocognitive disorders such as ADHD, ASD and infectious diseases.

Alternative health tech in alternative medicine

A survey of the adoption of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the American health system, widely conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found that in 2004, nearly 40% of American adults at the time used some form of complementary and alternative medicine. I found out that I was Alternative or CAM medications.

Population growth and advances in the alternative medicine field, coupled with AI and VR, could drive this number significantly higher today. Historical data also reveal that alternative medicine was widely accepted and used at the time.

Fast-forward and you’ll see how modern technology and innovative tools have helped rapidly advance a better understanding and conceptualization of CAM within much of society.

“When you see how much the industry has progressed in such a short period of time, you can only start thinking about what the next 20 years will look like. Medicine, regardless of what we refer to as innovation, We need development, and an overall level of deployment,” Yat-Gai shared.

In a recent clinical study by Regencell – the EARTH Trial, researchers found that the efficacy of RGC-COV19TM in RGC helped relieve and eliminate COVID-19 symptoms within 6 days. The success of the EARTH Trial shows how far TCM has come over the years.

“As a company that is constantly growing, learning and adapting to a changing environment, we must look for opportunities within our own practices to help those in need.We believe in the effectiveness and success of TCM. That’s why I founded RGC, and I want to share this with people around the world, rather than limiting it to a select group of people.”

In terms of how health tech can improve these practices, it is largely about new models in which companies initiate research and develop tools that enable them to better understand the growing need for innovative medicine. Help how to hire.

We already know that affordable VR equipment can be used by medical students in training and placed in real medical situations. This is used as a way to provide further feedback and report back to students.

AI helps build models in TCM, which are later used in augmented reality environments. Compile large amounts of data and information in the same tool to help laboratory researchers better understand the efficacy of their discoveries in clinical research.

Although retail drugs will account for more than 86% of all drugs currently in use in the United States as of 2021, defined daily dose-based drug use has increased 9.6% annually over the past five years. I’m here.

Even as the pandemic begins to wane, the efficacy and safety of all medicines and medicines issued to the general public will remain critical factors for drug manufacturers and healthcare providers.

“The need for these technologies is critical not only to medical practice, but also to the work that many medical professionals and researchers are doing behind the scenes. We can develop and guide scientific tests to improve services and produce effective, safe and useful products,” Yat-Gai said.

Move forward with AI

For businesses using artificial intelligence (AI), there are predefined algorithms that help simplify complex systems and methods, even at minimal capacity.

Many have suggested that AI is still in its infancy, but new models can help gather and collect information to create more predictive models.

Predictive models are perhaps the most important aspect of AI and deep machine learning capabilities. Not only does it help frontline workers cope better and structure their operations, it also helps establish forward-looking protocols that help prevent serious illnesses and injuries.

AI, along with deep machine learning, can compile and publish simple data that provide further insight into the negative or positive effects of drugs in clinical trials.

It can track and monitor the spread of diseases and viruses, such as contact tracing apps used early in the pandemic. Predict the likelihood of modern-day recurrences of infectious viruses and historic diseases.

Technologies integrated with IoT are already helping patients recover faster and more efficiently with home care applications and online health portals (telemedicine), enabling remote communities to access medical services. reducing the need for face-to-face consultations to help access they desperately need it.

“Technology, and in this case, AI, is more important than many can imagine. It has allowed us to build on what we already have, what we have and need to improve in the near future.”

In this respect, AI, alongside other forms of technology, could potentially improve the field of alternative medicine. In addition, this includes not only the clinical aspect but also its distribution and commercialization. These breakthrough treatments are no longer accessible to a small number of people and communities, but individuals in remote locations can now learn, access and distribute these medicines more frequently.

multifaceted possibilities

Already we are more aware of the multi-faceted potential inherent in healthtech and what it has to offer at a professional or executive level, but further advances outside this area can be found here It has already escalated in a few months.

The consumer and corporate obsession around the Metaverse is already seeing major league companies investing billions in expanding the Metaverse.

Investments come in all shapes and sizes from different industries, but the Metaverse is more than just the social space of virtual and augmented reality, it’s what medical device companies can do with mixed reality (MR) tools. It is also a place where medical situations can be recreated.

Acquired by social media giant Facebook (now Meta Platforms), Oculus and its VR headset technology have already created several healthcare applications, including Facebook Reality Labs, Nexus Studios, and the World Health Organization Academy ( WHO) to develop training materials and courses. Can be integrated within the metaverse.

Experience amalgamation and combination allows more time for healthcare worker training, post-traumatic stress (PTS) treatment, and first responder training.

“We are a company that aims to make a difference as much as possible. Our research and development may be limited to a few areas of interest, but over time we will see more and more complex treatments. ,” says Yat-Gai succinctly. mentioned.

Yat-Gai will launch a grant and financial assistance program in April 2022 to help more than 10,000 children financially impacted by COVID-19 and the lasting effects of ADHD and ASD. I helped the children who received “Until recently, I have helped over 200 children through my work with the Riegensel Foundation. This project has been within my personal capacity.”

final thoughts

Integrations between all these tools may seem complicated, but they can be found within their respective applications.

As the growing need for more advanced healthcare becomes apparent, the healthcare sector will turn to technological innovations such as AI and virtual reality to help meet the growing demand.

We are already seeing how healthtech start-ups and companies today are building tools for tomorrow’s industry. The potential, whether modern or alternative medicine, is well established and makes a marked difference in the way specialized health care services and products are understood, used and delivered to those most in need. Brings

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