Home Products Brain Scans Show Neuron Structures Look Different in Kids With Autism : ScienceAlert

Brain Scans Show Neuron Structures Look Different in Kids With Autism : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is characterized by common differences in motor and social behavior, is also a condition that uniquely impacts individuals. Identifying the brain characteristics that account for a variety of brain symptoms and their commonalities across all age groups has become a goal for scientists seeking to understand their causes.

The latest study by a team at the University of Rochester in New York uses advanced scanning technology to take a closer look at the density and structure of the brain’s gray matter, building on previous research on neurological changes in people with ASD. Masu.

It is often difficult to perform this type of analysis in living humans. Therefore, much of the existing data we have is based on older postmortem subjects. But new image capture and processing techniques can now also see how the brain is wired. In young people.

Brain regions of autistic children show higher (red) and lower (blue) neuron density compared to non-autistic children. (Christensen et al. autism research2024)

“We’ve spent years describing larger features of brain regions, such as thickness, volume, and curvature.” say says Zachary Christensen, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester.

“However, in the field of neuroimaging, new techniques are being used to characterize cells using MRI. [ magnetic resonance imaging]revealing new levels of complexity throughout development. ”

The researchers high contrast MRI They created detailed maps of the brains of 142 children with autism and compared them with images taken from 8,971 controls (children without a diagnosis of autism). One set of measurements was taken when the volunteers were 9 or 10 years old and followed up several years later.

The comparison revealed lower neuron density in certain areas of the cerebral cortex that are thought to be involved in our learning, reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and memory formation.

Neuron density increased in other areas. This is the case, for example, with an area called the amygdala, which scientists believe helps process emotions. Furthermore, when comparing children with autism to children with ADHD and anxiety, these differences appeared to be specific to autism.

It’s too early to say what these density differences mean, but they may help explain some of the features of autism. Importantly, new imaging methods now allow us to track the progression of symptoms.

“If we can reliably and relatively easily characterize specific deviations in the neuronal structure of people with autism, this opens up many opportunities to characterize how autism develops.” say Christensen.

“These indicators could be used to identify patients with autism who may benefit from more specific therapeutic interventions.”

The ability to perform non-invasive brain scans with such precision and high levels of detail is relatively recent, allowing us to follow autistic patients over long periods of time to understand what autism means to their brains. Efforts to understand the changes have already begun. They see the world differently.

“Following this group of children from infancy to early adulthood is truly transforming our knowledge of brain development.” say John Fox, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester, says:

This research autism research.

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