Home Health Care State rep hopeful Sylvia focused on inflation, child care and health care

State rep hopeful Sylvia focused on inflation, child care and health care

by Universalwellnesssystems

Editor’s note: The Right sent out a survey to all local candidates in contested races, asking them the same basic questions. These profiles have been edited for consistency and style only. We will publish the answer once we receive it.

Mark Sylvia, state House candidate for Bristol 10th District. Credit: Contributed


mark sylvia

looking for office

Massachusetts House of Representatives, Bristol District 10

mark sylvia

Work History and Experience: Why are you qualified to run for this position?

I have worked in both government and private industry. As Mayor of Plymouth, I oversaw one of the largest towns in the Commonwealth. This gave me a deep understanding of how local government works and how important local services are to residents, from education to public safety, transportation and community services. .

I have served the City of Fairhaven as a school committee member and town moderator. It has given me a deep appreciation for bringing people together locally to solve problems and create opportunities for our communities.

I have also worked at the state level as a Green Communities Director, Secretary of the Department of Energy Resources, and Assistant Secretary of Energy responsible for energy policy for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I’ve seen firsthand how thoughtful policies and effective programs are helping the nation lower costs, create jobs, and combat climate change. You will also learn how the legislative and executive branches of government work and develop relationships with legislators, state officials, and other stakeholders, which will prepare you to become a full-fledged state representative.

Finally, I have worked as a private sector executive for the past 10 years and understand how businesses play a critical role in solving problems, creating jobs, and growing the economy.

What is your main reason for running?

I grew up here. I’m so grateful for this community. This district is my hometown. Who I am is a reflection of the six communities that make up this district, and I am passionate about representing our values ​​in Boston. We all believe in working hard, caring for each other, and that our strength and success comes from working together and building community.

We also believe it is important to select people who can start working immediately. I will be your representative on the first day. I know how to unite people to achieve goals. Strong leadership produces results. I bring immense energy and enthusiasm to our community. I will leverage my experience in state, local government, and the private sector, as well as the relationships I have built throughout my career. And I will carry your voice to Boston.

Everything I learned growing up here drove me to help others, be an advocate, and improve the quality of life. That’s why I want to be the next state representative.

What important issues do you plan to tackle and how will you do it?

A key issue is the increasing cost of living. From housing to childcare to healthcare, we are all feeling the impact of these increased costs in our daily lives.

Regarding child care, I will advocate for the district to receive new subsidies for early childhood education and childcare. I support expanded early childhood training and competitive wages for childcare workers. I support legislation to implement a statewide early childhood education and care plan.

For health care, the measures include expanding insurance coverage for mental health and substance abuse services, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, banning or significantly regulating for-profit health care facilities, and addressing access issues, including a shortage of primary care physicians. Supports legislative and executive action. .

When it comes to housing, the Affordable Housing Act was an important step toward achieving affordability and availability. It must be introduced immediately. I will support legislative action to quickly implement this law and work with communities and families in our district to take advantage of the programs and funding this law provides. I also support ways to allow cities and towns to innovate in zoning to build more housing.

With the country so divided by partisan politics, what do you think Democrats and Republicans need to do to work together?

To accomplish great things, we must work together. We don’t have time for divisive politics. A lot of that is happening at the national level, and we can’t allow it to happen at the state or local level. By listening to each other, defining the real problem, addressing the facts, and finding common ground, we can solve problems together. That’s the knock on the door during this campaign and what I learned growing up here.

We are a diverse community, each with a unique story and perspective to tell, and all with the same rights and freedoms and the ability to be kind to one another. As town moderator, I work with town officials, Town Meeting members, and the public to get things done based on what’s best for the community, not based on politics.

As the state representative for the entire district, I will always keep these principles in mind and do everything in my power to make things better for all of us.

See more profiles of local candidates on The Light’s 2024 Elections page.

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