Home Mental Health Health clinic in Kent County using Ketamine to treat mental health issues

Health clinic in Kent County using Ketamine to treat mental health issues

by Universalwellnesssystems

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in this country, affecting most people. 21 million adultsEvery year. Treatment for this disorder is difficult for many people, but here in West Michigan there are a growing number of alternative treatment options.

Lifeline Intervention Therapeutics is a new clinic opening in Kent County that offers life-changing results through treatment.

One of these is ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic primarily used to induce loss of consciousness before surgery.

However, it has not been recognized as such for many years, and many people know from news reports that it is a drug of abuse. But it also has benefits, which the doctors who run Lifeline are well aware of.

“I think this is like a miracle glow for the brain,” said Dr. Gilbert Masterson, a psychiatrist at Lifeline Therapeutics. “So, actually, if you could look at your brain while you were undergoing this treatment, you would see it swell and plump, just like a garden does. So, really It’s stimulating and healing. It’s not therapeutic.”

Ketamine treatment is not new to West Michigan, with other ketamine clinics operating in the area. However, Lifeline takes these additional steps to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for the patient.

Dr. Julie Wilson, owner of Lifeline Integrated Therapeutics, said, “Psychiatric treatment is often not available in some of the clinics in this area. There are no psychiatrists on site. We have one within. We provide complete psychiatric care.”

Having an in-house psychiatrist also ensures that patients are suitable for ketamine, although ketamine has a negative reputation.

“Ketamine is helpful,” Dr. Wilson says. “When something like what happened to Matthew Perry happens, it doesn’t help. If it’s administered properly, we administer it here in the office and we know it’s safe and effective and helps.” I insist.”

Having caring people is important, especially when dealing with people who have contributed to the country.

“Many returning veterans are deeply traumatized by this event,” Dr. Wilson said. “The PTSD that they have is so severe, and the depression that comes with it, they can’t even differentiate between the two.”

But it’s that consideration and understanding that draws patients, like Daniel Diquis, who has lived with his own struggles with mental healing for years.

“I had already been to the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic. I had shock therapy, but nothing was working,” Dickhouse said.

Now, at her worst moments, she turns to alternative care: ketamine. It helped her in ways she couldn’t have imagined.

“As soon as I was discharged from the hospital after the first infusion, my suicidal thoughts disappeared within the day. I no longer have to take a handful of drugs, whereas I used to take four or five.” said Diquis. And benzodiazepines too. ”

Currently, ketamine is not approved by the FDA to treat mental disorders. But come back againJulyJohnson & Johnson has applied for approval for its ketamine nasal spray, which is currently awaiting approval.

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