Home Products Dangerous rise of Ozempic mummy makeover: Experts warn against trend for new mothers using weight loss jabs to shed baby weight

Dangerous rise of Ozempic mummy makeover: Experts warn against trend for new mothers using weight loss jabs to shed baby weight

by Universalwellnesssystems

New mothers were today warned not to take weight loss drugs to reduce baby weight after giving birth.

These drugs, including Mounjaro, Ozempic and Wegovy, have been hailed as a breakthrough in the fight against obesity.

But in a worrying new trend, postpartum women are being seen bragging online about losing more than 20 pounds with injections just weeks after giving birth.

Some admitted to sharing drugs with other mothers “at the school gate” so they could wear pre-natal jeans.

But experts warned that the trend posed a “real risk” to new mothers and urged women not to use the drug while breastfeeding.

Charlotte Griffiths, who has a BMI of just 21.7 – the lower end of the ‘normal’ range – warned of the dangers of using the jab post-natally after accidentally overdosing on Wigoby with a friend. Photo shoot with my son James

One of Griffith's friends told her there was a pharmacist who could sweet-talk her into giving her a prescription.

One of Griffith’s friends told her there was a pharmacist who could sweet-talk her into giving her a prescription.

Influencer Holly Connolly also shared on Instagram how she used Munjaro to feel better. [her] 'Appearance' after welcoming daughter Cici in March 2023

Influencer Holly Connolly also shared on Instagram how she used Munjaro to feel better. [her] ‘Appearance’ after welcoming daughter Cici in March 2023

There are concerns that the drug could be passed on to newborns and cause unknown complications.

Professor Alex Millas, an expert in endocrinology at the University of Ulster, told MailOnline: “These drugs are not a quick fix for everyone and should only be used long-term by people living with obesity and its complications. I have to,” he said.

“They should never be used solely for cosmetic reasons or by new mothers who are breastfeeding.

“Theoretically, the drug could be passed to the child during breastfeeding.”

But worryingly, he added, “experts still don’t know what the possible side effects are because there is no data to inform us.”

“Medical monitoring and supervision is essential with any drug and any disease.”

This comes after the mother-of-three, whose BMI is just 21.7 (the lower end of the ‘normal’ range), accidentally overdosed on Wigoby with a friend, warned about the dangers of using the jab postnatally. It depends.

London-based journalist Charlotte Griffiths told MailOnline she proposed sharing the prescription-only jab as a “fun experiment”.

But she suffered from “terrible” brain fog and migraine symptoms, and it wasn’t until she experienced three “severe bouts of sickness” that she realized she had taken four times the recommended starting dose. I noticed.

Furthermore, she added: ‘Wegovy-like weight loss jabs have been a hot topic at my children’s school gates in west London for months, with questions about who is using them, what they are and, crucially, how to get them. ”

“Women come together when they want to lose a few pounds, such as a few weeks before a holiday. They try out ‘The Pen,’ as it’s known, without worrying about diet or exercise.”

Under NHS guidelines, the jab should only be offered to people with a BMI of at least 30 and one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

But one of Griffith’s friends told her there was a pharmacist who could sweet-talk her into giving her a prescription.

Some went to private doctors, while others lied about their weight and managed to get it from online pharmacies.

In an Instagram Story that also promoted the company she bought the jab from, the mother-of-one said:

In an Instagram Story that also promoted the company she bought the jab from, the mother-of-one said: “I feel great in every aspect of my life.”

she said:

she said: “I know this may not be the case for everyone, but this is a very reputable company that I trust implicitly. I have never had a good experience.” I won’t share it.”

Under NHS guidelines, the jab should only be offered to people with a BMI of at least 30 and one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Under NHS guidelines, the jab should only be offered to people with a BMI of at least 30 and one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Influencer Holly Connolly also shared on Instagram how she used Munjaro to feel better. [her] After welcoming her daughter Cici in March 2023, she “appeared”.

In an Instagram Story that also promoted the company she bought the jab from, the mother-of-one said: “I feel great in every aspect of my life.”

“It has been a long, dark and lonely road to motherhood, but I have come out stronger and sassier.

“I know this may not be the case for everyone, but this company is a very reputable one that I trust implicitly. I would never share anything I didn’t have a good experience with.” I won’t.”

Replying to a follower who thanked her for speaking out about Munjaro, she wrote, “I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy and was really depressed about myself, so I was dying to get back into my size 10 jeans. Ta.

“When I saw you use it, it gave me the confidence to use something like that to help me.

“I’m 20 pounds away from my goal weight, but I’m smaller than when I started.”

And this phenomenon has become so common that users on forums also share their experiences of trying the jab to lose weight.

“I’m 4 months postpartum and 3 weeks into Ozempic,” said one person in the Reddit group, which has more than 99,000 members.

“My weight stayed the same and I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy. Even though I had severe hyperemesis gravidarum, I got the worst of both haha.”

They added: “I’m very happy with it and I think it’s perfect for a really difficult period of post-natal life.”

“I’ve already lost some weight in the first few weeks. It’s great to see the weight moving again.”

Another said: ‘I started about 8 weeks after my second baby was born.

“So far it’s been smooth sailing and I’ve lost 16 pounds.”

In another thread titled “Ozempic for postpartum weight loss,” one user wrote: “I gained 40 pounds in 6 months and lost 20 pounds, but no matter what I did, I could never lose those last 20 pounds.

“It’s week 7 and I’ve lost 16 pounds.”

But experts today warned that women could be putting their health at risk after giving birth, and urged women not to rush to ‘bounce back’.

Jen Vitanuova, a Huddersfield-based esthetician and former NHS nurse, told MailOnline:I completely understand the pressure many new moms feel to “get back on their feet” after giving birth.

“But postpartum is a time of healing and there’s no need to rush to lose weight.

“Weight loss injections may seem like a quick fix, but they come with real risks, including hormonal disruption, impact on blood sugar levels, and dehydration.

“These side effects can be especially harmful for new mothers who need stable energy and mood.

“You need to give yourself time and space for your body to heal, and it’s a gradual process.”

Professor Nerys Astbury, an expert on diet and obesity at the University of Oxford, also told MailOnline: “Breastfeeding also uses a lot of energy, and trying to lose weight at the same time can affect milk supply and quality, and can also affect new breastfeeding.” nutritional health.

She added: “There are risks involved in taking non-prescribed medicines, such as weight loss pills purchased online.”

“If it’s available online, the patient’s doctor may not be aware of it, which can have a significant impact on the treatment of any side effects the patient may experience.”

Novo Nordisk, the pharmaceutical company that makes semaglutide, also advises women to stop taking the weight-loss drug at least two months before they plan to become pregnant.

Studies in rats, rabbits, and monkeys have shown that taking weight loss drugs during pregnancy can cause miscarriages and birth defects.

According to the latest data, the most commonly reported side effects of Mounjaro's active ingredient, tirzepatide, were digestive problems. These include that about one in five participants had nausea or diarrhea, and about one in 10 reported vomiting or diarrhea.

According to the latest data, the most commonly reported side effects of Mounjaro’s active ingredient, tirzepatide, were digestive problems. These include that about one in five participants had nausea or diarrhea, and about one in 10 reported vomiting or diarrhea.

The injection tricks the brain into thinking it’s full, thereby reducing appetite and preventing users from overeating.

However, like any medicine, the jab can have known side effects that vary in both frequency and severity, including nausea, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, stomach pain, headaches and dizziness.

Some patients have suffered from hair loss while taking it.

Britain’s medicines watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), also announced that as of August 16, 46 Britons had been hospitalized with “gastrointestinal reactions” related to the jab.

Fake versions are also being sold for up to £280 a pack, with patients in comas fighting for their lives.

Last week, Health Secretary Wes Streeting announced that the government plans to offer weight loss therapy to unemployed people to get them healthy and back to work.

But yesterday he joined Britain’s medicines regulator in issuing a warning amid growing concerns that the “serious drug” is being misused by people wanting to lose weight for cosmetic reasons.

The Health Secretary said the injection should only be used by obese people who have been unable to change their weight through diet and exercise, and not by people who “want to take beautiful pictures of their bodies for Instagram”. He said no.

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