Home Nutrition Dear Doctor: Is sunbathing at least 10 minutes every day is the best way to get vitamin D?

Dear Doctor: Is sunbathing at least 10 minutes every day is the best way to get vitamin D?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Dr. Roach: I am writing about your recent answer regarding sunbathing. I heard that the best way to get vitamin D is to spend a short amount of time (say 10 minutes) in the sun every day. What do you think about this? — CS

Answer: Most people don’t need to worry about vitamin D. Ten minutes of sunlight on your hands and face is enough to get the vitamin D you need. Recent large studies have found no benefit to vitamin D supplementation, so if your goal is to get more vitamin D, sunbathing for even 10 minutes is a good idea. I don’t want to risk sun damage.

People who should consider taking more vitamin D include people with osteoporosis. People who don’t get any sun exposure at all (whether they’re housebound, living in an institution, or wearing sun-protective clothing). People who cannot absorb vitamins (people with celiac disease or who have had bariatric surgery). People taking drugs that increase vitamin D metabolism (seizure drugs such as carbamazepine). In such cases, vitamin D levels are indicated.

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