Home Mental Health Workplace Wellness: How employers can promote mental health and reduce stress-related risks

Workplace Wellness: How employers can promote mental health and reduce stress-related risks

by Universalwellnesssystems

“As society evolves, stressors have also evolved, resulting in a completely different set of challenges faced by today’s employees.In India, employees face extreme There have been some unfortunate incidents where people have succumbed to a toxic combination of stress.” says Jitin Bhasin, CEO and Founder, SaveIN. This article is about how employers can better promote promotions. mental health reduction at work Stress-related risks For employees.
Additionally, in today’s fast-paced, always-connected world, unrelenting pressure to meet goals and tight deadlines are having a negative impact on employees’ physical and mental health and, ultimately, on their work productivity. He added that there is a harsh reality. Data also shows an alarming correlation between chronic workplace stress and increased health-related complications that lead to premature death.
As this issue grows in importance, it is important to assess the serious impact that workplace stress has on employee health and the need for organizations to prioritize mental health. A range of Indian companies are offering: corporate health insurance It is no longer enough to provide employees with hospital coverage alone. We need to focus on preventive care, elective treatments, work-life balance, and being holistic. wellness program Built-in response mechanisms to deal with emergency situations.
To build effective health programs that are relevant today, companies need to start by listing the comprehensive health initiatives they can implement that are commensurate with the resources they allocate. These programs need to be well-planned with a dedicated team and involve management and leadership teams in addition to human resources departments to ensure they are sustainable and impactful.

work stress

Health programs designed for today’s needs must go beyond hospital coverage and address everyday health, including physical fitness, mental health, preventive testing, and elective treatments. Including health and wellness as a key performance indicator in employee performance evaluations can encourage wellness, as well as provide incentives for fitness goals, encourage scheduled time off, and promote healthy work habits. It has been observed that it helps a lot in making it the mainstream theme of a company. organization. Encouraging family supports such as walking meetings, team activities, healthy food options, and day care or elder care services can also be important additions to a wellness program.
Employees face increasing stress due to business goals, personal challenges, long commutes, constant digital connectivity, and sedentary lifestyles. Organizations and managers can make a big difference by setting realistic goals, holding regular discussions and performance-enhancing exercises, providing scheduled breaks, and offering career planning sessions. . a Hybrid work systembalancing on-site and telecommuting is also a great way to help employees manage work and life commitments. Additionally, there are new-age AI-based tools available for monitoring. employee happiness Provides access to professional counselors if needed.
Safety protocols become equally important when the unexpected occurs. Employers should have emergency plans in place, stock first aid kits and defibrillators, and train staff to deal with health emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes.
It is important for leadership teams to understand that promoting a culture of health and fitness is an ongoing effort that must be led by people with the ability to affect change. By focusing on these areas, companies can create healthier workplaces with more productive and happy employees.
prioritize employee health While this may seem difficult and expensive in the short term, it has compounding effects in the medium to long term. It is time for India Inc. to accept this fact and take a step in the right direction.

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