Home Nutrition Is Popcorn Healthy? Benefits & Healthiest Preparations, From Dietitians

Is Popcorn Healthy? Benefits & Healthiest Preparations, From Dietitians

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Is popcorn good for you? Puffed corn kernels are a crunchy, satisfying snack with amazing health benefits. However, what you choose to top your popcorn with is important.

What is popcorn, what are its health benefits, and which types are the healthiest? A nutritionist discusses the nutritional value of popcorn, which popcorns are recommended, and which ones to limit or avoid.

What is popcorn?

Popcorn is a whole grain snack made from the corn plant, also known as corn. Popcorn is made from a specific type of corn kernels that expand and expand when heated, Samantha Dieras, registered dietitian and director of outpatient nutrition services at Mount Sinai Hospital, told TODAY.com.

Technically speaking, corn is a fruit, a vegetable, and a whole grain.

That’s because scientifically, corn is classified as a fruit because the part we eat, the kernel, comes from the flower of the plant. However, from a culinary perspective, corn can be either a vegetable or a whole grain, depending on when it is harvested.

According to , fresh corn on the cob, which is harvested early when the kernels are soft and filled with liquid, is a vegetable. united states Department agricultural. However, the mature, dry corn kernels that are later harvested and used for popcorn are whole grains. Popcorn is actually 100% whole grain. USDAone serving provides one-third of the amount of whole grains most adults need.

Popcorn can be prepared in a variety of ways, including air-popped in a machine or oil-popped on the stove or in the microwave.

Popcorn Nutritional Overview

The nutritional content of popcorn varies depending on how it is made and toppings. According to USDA database1 serving of Air Popped Popcorn (Unsalted) contains:

  • 100 calories
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 18 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of fat
  • 3-4 grams of dietary fiber

Natalie Rizzo, registered dietitian and nutrition editor for TODAY.com, says one serving of popcorn will pop about 3 cups.

Is popcorn good for your health?

Popcorn has health benefits when consumed in moderation and as part of an overall balanced and nutritious diet, experts say.

“Popcorn is a healthy whole grain snack that contains fiber and protein,” says Rizzo. In its natural form, popcorn is low in calories and fat. “Corn, or popcorn, has health benefits,” Dieras says.

good fiber source

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, popcorn is an excellent source of dietary fiber, providing 3 to 4 grams per serving, or nearly 15 percent of an adult’s daily needs. Experts say the fiber in popcorn makes you feel full and helps you stay full for longer.

Dietary fiber not only helps maintain a regular lifestyle, but also helps control blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and manage weight.

Contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Popcorn also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are important for your health. These include B vitamins, potassium, folic acid, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. Francis Largeman RossRegistered dietitian/nutritionist.

Popcorn is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols and phenolic acids, which can improve digestive health and blood circulation. According to the American Heart Association.

According to research Popcorn also contains carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect eye health and vision.

low calorie

Largeman-Ross says popcorn is naturally low in calories and fat, and is 100% gluten-free. Of course it’s also low in sugar.

However, despite being low in calories, popcorn is rich in protein and dietary fiber, making it filling and satisfying. Popcorn is also a hearty food, making it a good choice for people who like to eat large amounts of food or snack on it. According to USDA.

Is popcorn a carbohydrate?

Yes, corn is a carbohydrate and a starchy vegetable.

Popcorn is relatively high in carbohydrates, containing about 18.5 grams per 3 cups. Generally, this is not a problem for people who eat popcorn in moderation as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults eat about 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day, TODAY.com previously reported.

Popcorn is a complex carbohydrate that takes time to digest and does not significantly raise blood sugar levels, experts say. The fiber content also helps slow digestion and control blood sugar levels.

Popcorn is considered a low-glycemic food, with a net carbohydrate content of about 14 grams (total carbohydrates minus fiber), TODAY.com previously reported.

What is the healthiest popcorn?

Popcorn itself is a healthy whole grain snack, but its nutritional value varies greatly depending on how it’s made and the toppings used.

Whether you make your popcorn at home or buy it at the store, the fewer ingredients you use, the better. “Popcorn is healthiest when it doesn’t have any additives. Once you start adding butter, salt, and other toppings, it stops being healthy,” Rizzo says.

Here’s what you look for in healthy popcorn:

air pop

“An air-popped popcorn machine is the healthiest way to cook it, followed by stovetop cooking,” Dieras says.

Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest because it uses only hot air and the machine circulates the hot air evenly to cook all the kernels. Rizzo points out that this method doesn’t use butter or other fats.

Although you can make air-popped popcorn on the stovetop (with a good shake), stovetop popcorn is usually made with oil popcorn to prevent it from sticking, and packaged microwave popcorn does not contain oil or other additives. It often contains things.

low in saturated fat

Many people add butter or oil during or after cooking, which increases the calorie and fat content, but not all fats are equal.

Butter and certain oils (such as coconut) are unhealthy because they are high in saturated fat, which can raise “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. These should be avoided or limited. “Adding a little butter adds a lot of calories and saturated fat, so use it sparingly,” says Rizzo.

Instead, experts recommend drizzling an oil high in healthy unsaturated fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil. Other popular oils, such as truffle oil, may contain varying amounts of saturated fat. “Always read the label,” says Rizzo.

Unsalted or reduced salt

Unsalted popcorn is healthiest. “But most people add some kind of seasoning or salt,” Rizzo says. If you add salt or sodium-containing seasonings to your popcorn, they should be kept to a minimum.

“It’s okay to add a little salt to your popcorn to flavor it, but only in small amounts,” says Rizzo. If you are on a low-sodium diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

No added sugar

Healthier popcorn has no added sugar, experts say. In its natural form, popcorn contains very little natural sugar. “Sweet flavors like caramel, chocolate, and sugar can turn a healthy snack into a sugary dessert, so eat them sparingly,” says Rizzo.

What is the least healthy type of popcorn?

The least healthy popcorn, experts say, is prepared and topped with excess butter and oil, which are high in saturated fats, large amounts of salt and sodium-rich seasonings, sugar and other additives. points out. (Think of being drenched in movie theater butter.)

Is popcorn healthier than chips?

How is popcorn different from potato chips, a candidate for a crunchy snack? Rizzo says popcorn is generally considered healthier than potato chips, but that’s because popcorn has more protein and fiber. This is because it is high in calories and low in fat.

While popcorn is a 100% whole grain food, “chips no longer resemble potatoes,” Rizzo adds.

But Dieras added that it ultimately depends on how the popcorn is made and the toppings. For example, air-popped unsalted popcorn is healthier than fried potato chips.

healthy popcorn topping

If you want your popcorn to taste even better, experts recommend using healthy seasonings like spices and herbs that add flavor without adding calories, sugar, or salt. Examples of healthy toppings to add to popcorn include:

  • nutritional yeast
  • garlic
  • black pepper
  • dried herbs
  • seaweed flakes
  • paprika
  • garam masala
  • cinnamon

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