Home Fitness Bodybuilder Julia Rene in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shows Off “Prep”

Bodybuilder Julia Rene in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shows Off “Prep”

by Universalwellnesssystems

Bodybuilder and influencer Julia Rene is well known for sharing her fitness journey and competition preparations on Instagram. Rene recently chronicled her journey to lose 20 pounds in preparation for the competition on a reel, showing off her physique and posing in her workout gear. She captioned the post, “OMGGGGG…this preparation was a mess,” giving a glimpse of the hard work behind her transformation. Find out how Rene stays healthy and ready for competition.

Rene tries to eat healthy. One way she does that is by making her own meals. Rene shared this reel She is preparing for the contest. In it, she is seen making dinner for herself. harvard health They report that cooking helps them eat better meals. “We already know that the more people cook at home, the healthier their diets are, the fewer calories they burn, and the less likely they are to develop obesity and type 2 diabetes. There is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting teaching home feeding as an effective medical intervention for improving diet quality, weight loss, and preventing diabetes.

Rene trains regularly. But she knows when to rest and when to limit exercise. René talked about this in the caption this instagram post. “I started doing cardio again, but it was a little harder than before because my legs were pretty inflamed…I needed an extra rest day to train my legs, so I took a long nap instead. It was hard to force myself to do it, but it was necessary.”

Rene may be a bodybuilder, but that doesn’t mean she’s obsessed with her body. She talked about this in the caption of a previous Instagram post. “This week has been a tough week for me mentally. All the adrenaline has worn off from the showday weekend and I’m starting to feel physically and mentally exhausted. So I’m trying to give myself some grace. 👙 I tried not to check my weight and worry too much about what my body looked like after the show, so I eliminated this temptation.

Rene is very motivated to stay healthy. She talked about this in the caption of her first Instagram post. “The final push into my next show was both wild and beautiful! There were doubts, fears, and moments where I thought I couldn’t do it, but I remained steadfast in my vision and prepared. is completed” Press 🔥”

The first Instagram video shows Renee climbing a flight of stairs. ace fitness states that stair training is very beneficial. As you walk up the stairs, you can feel your heart working harder and the fire burning in your lungs. This, in turn, will cause important changes in your cardiovascular system, making physical activities like running and walking easier. ”

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