Home Mental Health Caring for Kids: Advocating for the strong mental health and resiliency of Michigan kids

Caring for Kids: Advocating for the strong mental health and resiliency of Michigan kids

by Universalwellnesssystems

Jessica Miller: I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and CAADC (Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor). I have worked with her college student for over 15 years. I am in long-term care and have not used alcohol or other drugs since February 2013.

Burns: What is the Ten16 Recovery Network?

mirror: We provide a full continuum of care for matters related to substance abuse and recovery. We start with the prevention aspect with individuals in communities and schools.

He also conducts Project ASSERT programs with health advocates in the emergency departments of various hospitals in central Michigan. As individuals come in, they can have conversations with their patients and plant the seeds of what might help them. There is recovery housing for individuals seeking support in an ascetic living facility.

There are rapid response teams that make home visits for individuals who have experienced an overdose.There are also recovery centers where coaches meet with individuals.

Burns: How did you come up with the name Ten16 Recovery?

mirror: Our first agency, now Men’s House, is located at 1016 Eastman Avenue. The number is also a police code, meaning the door is open. We offer open doors, a space free of judgment. That’s what the numbers mean.

Burns: Tell me more about CREW, a program supported by The Children’s Foundation and the Jamie Daniels Foundation.

mirror: We launched our College Restorative Education and Wellness Program in 2016. Central Michigan University is located in Isabella County and we partner with the university to provide on-campus resources for our students. As you can imagine, the university environment is ascetic and hostile. The CREW program provides preventative services and early intervention efforts. We also offer substance use disorder counseling, so you have the opportunity to meet privately with a licensed counselor and receive outpatient services. Students can be a little hesitant when they need help. Some have parental insurance and don’t want their parents to know, while others are exorbitantly expensive. Thanks to the generous support of the Children’s Foundation, we were able to provide assistance free of charge.

Barnes: What are the signs that students have mental health problems when they go home?

mirror: Whenever college students are at home, be mindful of your behavior. Stay engaged and connected. If someone you love is struggling, ask how you can help them. Can you hear me? Want to connect to resources on campus? Then they can choose. Because if we don’t assume we know best, we can go very far in our conversations with them.

Barnes: You are a true entrepreneur with a very popular podcast. Please tell me about it.

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