Home Nutrition Will Bacon Really Become Kosher?

Will Bacon Really Become Kosher?

by Universalwellnesssystems

In the fourth episode of the “Hilchisa Le Mesika” podcast, Rabbi Avraham Schneerson analyzes the opinions of the Rebbe and Kli Yakar on the intriguing subject of whether “chazir” will actually be kosher and edible when the Messiah comes.

Kollel Rabonei Chabad is Hilcisa Rumisica The podcast explores interesting and fresh topics relating to Moshe and Geula, drawing from a wide range of sources across Halakhah, Aggadah, and various Seforim.

The weekly 20-30 minute podcast will be presented by Rabbi Maggidei Shiur. Yehuda ShurpinSenior Editor at Chabad.org, Rabbi Abraham SchneersonBoth are members of Kollel Rabonei Chabad.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to respond to the Rabbi’s important call to learn about these topics in new and interesting ways.

If you have a question you’d like us to cover in a future episode, please email us. [email protected]

Episode #4

In this episode, Rabbi Abraham Schneerson We analyze the opinions of the Rebbe and the Kli Yakar on the intriguing subject of whether or not “chazir” will actually be kosher and edible when the Messiah comes.

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Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad Project –

Kollel Rabonei Chabad is a joint project of the Hilchasa Krav Institute and Beis Medrash L’Shulluchim of Merkos 302.

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