Home Mental Health It’s OK to opt out of political conversations if needed

It’s OK to opt out of political conversations if needed

by Universalwellnesssystems

Staying up to date on the latest news is important, but it can also be exhausting, especially during a presidential election year.

An April survey found that 70% of American adults feel anxious about current events. vote The survey was conducted by the American Psychiatric Association and involved more than 2,200 people. The biggest cause of their anxiety was the 2024 US presidential election.

The Thriving Center for Psychology conducted a similar study. investigation This summer, 72% of 1,031 participants reported feeling stressed about the upcoming election.

The social media situation may only exacerbate political unrest. “The social media funnel has people concerned about a variety of things that they may not even want to talk about with other people.” Tyrrell Des Gannes“It’s important to be aware of what’s going on in your life,” the licensed clinical psychologist at Thriving Center of Psychology told CNBC Make It.

We spoke to De Ganne. Elizabeth MorayWe spoke to licensed psychologist, about how to spot the signs of news-related anxiety and burnout and what to do about it. Here are their top tips.

Learn to recognize the signs and deal with news fatigue

The signs of burnout are consistent regardless of the cause, but if you notice any of the following symptoms after thinking about politics or current events, you may be experiencing political anxiety or burnout:

  • Lower productivity levels
  • Feelings of sadness or depression
  • Feelings of despair
  • Being distracted by other important things in life

While avoiding the news is “probably an impossible task unless you’re living in a cave,” Morey said there are steps you can take to regulate your news consumption and control your body’s responses to it.

One important thing is to set boundaries.

Setting boundaries “prevents you from becoming overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information,” Morey said, adding that you can stay informed but also intentionally limit your news intake.

Here are five practical ways to help you keep your cool during election season.

  1. Set up a news viewing schedule. Consider limiting your news access to certain times or days of the week — for example, checking election news on Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m., says De Gannes.
  2. Politely decline to discuss the election if: Try to steer the conversation in a different direction by saying, “I really want to talk about something else because we need to focus our attention on something other than what’s going on during this election,” Morey suggests.
  3. Learn how to respectfully disagree with people who hold different political views. When responding, be thoughtful and empathetic, put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and try to stay open and curious, says Morey, which is especially important when discussing politics with friends and family.
  4. Try changing your social media algorithms. Engage more with content that brings you joy and balance your social media timeline, says De Gannes.
  5. Maintain healthy habits in your daily life: Remember, you don’t have to publish it [yourself to political news] “Maintain consistent routines like cooking meals at the same times each day, spending time with your family, and cleaning your space,” says de Gunnes.

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