Home Health Care Harris participates in event hosted by Oprah Winfrey; Trump courts Jewish voters

Harris participates in event hosted by Oprah Winfrey; Trump courts Jewish voters

by Universalwellnesssystems

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-NC) today denied that the Trump campaign had requested that he visit Nebraska yesterday, as reported by NBC News, and claimed he was sent by Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) and Governor Jim Pilen to discuss foreign policy.

“Senator Ricketts and the governor have asked me to come in to speak to what’s called the caucus about world affairs and the impact of the upcoming election on the foreign policy front,” Graham told NBC News.

NBC reported yesterday that Graham had gone there as an “emissary” for the Trump campaign to discuss how states would allocate their electoral votes. Pressed by NBC News about the report, Graham again denied it. News of the meeting had been reported earlier. From KOLN-TV.

Graham acknowledged to NBC News that he had been asked by the Nebraska delegation to discuss the allocation of the state’s electoral votes, but said he was not originally sent there to discuss the matter. Trump supports moving the state to a winner-take-all system, something Graham has said he supports.

“I want to see winner-take-all,” Graham said, “Apparently last night the delegation, the congressman and two senators called for this change. It’s up to the state of Nebraska. We’ll see what they do.”

Ricketts also said he encouraged Graham to come, but did not comment on the Trump campaign’s involvement. When asked why he invited Graham, he said, “I think Senator Graham is a great spokesman. He’s very knowledgeable about why we need to give every voter a chance to voice their opinion and what other states are doing.”

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Ricketts said he and Mr. Pillen had specifically asked the South Carolina senator to talk to state officials about allocating electoral votes, and he called Mr. Graham “a great spokesman for the winner-take-all strategy.”

“He’s very knowledgeable about why every voter needs to have the opportunity to voice their opinion and what other states are doing,” he said.

Pillen’s office and the Trump campaign did not respond to NBC News’ requests for comment.

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