Home Products STI rates are skyrocketing among Baby Boomers. What to know.

STI rates are skyrocketing among Baby Boomers. What to know.

by Universalwellnesssystems

In 2010, Lisa Copeland was single again.

A Cleveland-area woman in her early 50s who had been married twice — one for 24 years, the other for two — wasn’t sure where to start looking for a partner.

Copeland tried to get help from a dating coach, but found there were no coaches under 50 who understood the dating dynamics of adults her age. Instead of bawling her eyes out on the phone to her sister, as she had already done, she decided to change her tune.

“Dating in your 20s was about getting married and having kids and cats and dogs and building your own world,” says Copeland, now 68. “Now it’s about having fun and playing.”

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