Home Fitness Improve Your Overhead Strength With The Scrape The Rack Press

Improve Your Overhead Strength With The Scrape The Rack Press

by Universalwellnesssystems

The barbell overhead press is the true test of strength because there is no one yelling “you’re strong” as you pull the bar off your chest. With an overhead press, you either can lift it or you can’t. The barbell overhead press is not the only way to improve your overhead strength, but it is the king of the overhead jungle because it allows you to lift the heaviest weight. If you want to improve your overhead press, leave it to the experts. Tasha “Iron Wolf” WhelanA world champion powerlifter and strongwoman athlete with over 20 years of coaching experience has the perfect exercise for you: the Scrape-the-Rack Press, which will build upper body strength and muscle.

Here, Whelan explains what it is and how it’s a game-changer for overhead strength.

Why is the Barbell Overhead Press such an effective exercise?

The barbell overhead press is an essential exercise for several reasons. It develops upper body strength by strengthening the shoulders, upper chest, triceps, and upper back, and building a strong core. This exercise mimics real-world pushing and reaching movements, improving functional strength and performance. It also strengthens the shoulder and upper back muscles, improving posture and reducing the risk of upper body injury.

“Barbells provide more stability because your hands are fixed in place, and this stability makes it easier to lift heavier weights than with dumbbells,” Whelan explains.

What is the Scrape the Rack Press Exercise?

In this exercise, you press the barbell overhead, keeping the bar against the posts of the rack throughout the movement. By “rubbing” the bar against the rack, you maintain a stable, controlled bar path, improving stability and muscle engagement in your shoulders, triceps and upper back.

How to do the Scrape the Rack Press

Whelan goes into detail on how to perform this exercise with proper form.

  1. Place the bar in a power rack at or slightly above shoulder height. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip the bar a little wider than shoulder-width. A grip that’s too wide can cause shoulder pain. A grip that’s too narrow increases your range of motion and puts more strain on your triceps.
  2. Place the barbell in the top of a “J-hook” with your elbows slightly in front of the bar, wrists straight, and core engaged.
  3. Press while maintaining full contact with the rack, “rubbing” it until your arms are extended and locked out. Allow your head to move forward slightly so the bar is directly above you. Don’t let your elbows flare out or lose contact with the rack. Keep your spine neutral. Your shoulders, elbows and wrists should be in a straight line when your arms are locked out.
  4. To maintain control and proper form, keep the bar in contact with the rack as you lower it to the starting position at the top of the “J-hook.”

Benefits of the Scrape-the-Rack Press

Whelan explains why it’s great and how it improves overhead strength.

Stability improvements:

Using the rack as a guide allows the lifter to maintain a consistent and proper bar path, helping to stabilize the weight and reduce the risk of shoulder strain.

Muscle Emphasis

This variation focuses on the deltoids and triceps while working the upper back muscles with controlled movements along the rack.

Ease of setup

When placed inside the rack, it keeps you safe especially when lifting heavy weights: the safety bar can be adjusted to catch the bar if needed, and the rack acts as a guide and spotter during the press.

Improved Technology

The rack provides tactile cues to help lifters maintain proper form, keep the bar path vertical and reduce excessive lean back or arching.

Training and Programming Suggestions

The scrape-the-rack overhead press is great for anyone with the mobility to lift their shoulders overhead, and Whelan offers recommendations for sets and repetitions based on your training experience.

beginner: Focus on form and technique, and do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions with light weights to get used to the path of the bar.

Intermediate: Complete three sets of six to eight repetitions, and as you become more comfortable with the movement, gradually increase the weight to slowly build strength and muscle mass.

Advanced: Focus on maximum strength and power, doing five sets of three to six repetitions with a heavy weight.

Additional Considerations

Mobility: Make sure your shoulders and rib cage are mobile enough to perform the overhead press safely. Incorporate mobility exercises like shoulder arm bars, thoracic extensions, rotations, and latissimus dorsi stretches into your warm-up.

Progress: As your strength and form improve, gradually increase the weight, being careful not to compromise your technique by using too much weight.

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