Home Nutrition Here’s how much protein you need in a day — despite what TikTok may say

Here’s how much protein you need in a day — despite what TikTok may say

by Universalwellnesssystems

How much protein should you have per day?

If you ask this question on TikTok, the answer might be a resounding yes, as influencers tout the benefits of a high-protein diet for building muscle and losing weight, recommending well over 100 grams of the macronutrient per day.

Experts say: Recommended minimum value 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds). The average person weighing 150 pounds will need at least 54 grams of protein per day.

Aim to consume close to 150 grams of protein, which equates to 1 gram of protein per meal. lb At 150 pounds, this is more than what is recommended even for a 150 pound Olympic athlete.

“Most of us aren’t competing for Olympic medals,” says Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity medicine physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

“We’re already getting more protein than we need in this country just through our diet,” says Teresa Phan, R.D., professor of nutrition at Simmons University.

Plus, eating too much protein can put a strain on the kidneys, which can be especially harmful for people with existing kidney disease, diabetes, or chronic dehydration, as their kidneys may not be able to process high levels of protein, leading to permanent damage, Stanford said.

Despite the risks, high-protein diets are currently very popular.

By 2024 investigation In a survey of Americans’ eating behaviors conducted by the International Food Information Council, 71% said they wanted to increase their protein intake, but that figure dropped to 67% in 2023 and just 59% in 2022. One-fifth of respondents said they follow a “high-protein diet,” which is more than vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets combined.

Monica D’Agostino, a New York City-based registered dietitian and social media influencer, has noticed an increased interest in protein content among her followers.

“I’ve seen people start to look at it more as a macronutrient,” D’Agostino said.

Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, says social media generalizations can be frustrating for nutritionists because there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, and she considers existing health conditions, family history and lifestyle before recommending a high-protein diet.

“There are great influencers out there giving advice on delicious meals and treats,” Kirkpatrick says, “but we always need to take that information and tie it into our own personalized medicine approach.”

How to get healthy protein

Whatever the latest fad, a truly healthy diet is all about balance, says Elisabetta Politi, R.D., of the Duke Lifestyle & Weight Management Center in Durham, North Carolina. The idea behind a high-protein diet is to promote satiety, or the feeling of fullness, says Politi. While feeling full can help with weight loss, increasing protein can deprioritize other essential nutrients, like fiber and complex carbohydrates.

“I think it’s still important to emphasize everything in moderation,” Politi said.

Athletes, people over 60, and those taking certain diabetic medications may need to increase their protein to help rebuild lost muscle, but for people wanting to build muscle, increasing protein is no substitute for going to the gym.

“In particular, we know that the body has a limited ability to metabolize and absorb protein,” Politi says, “which means that athletes can’t just ingest large amounts of protein and have it converted into muscle, but we know that it’s protein intake combined with weight training that helps build muscle.”

According to nutritionists, good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, lean ground beef, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, eggs and Greek yogurt. While select supplements can help you get protein in a pinch, whole foods are preferable as they also contain other important nutrients.

Influencer Ainsley Rodriguez frequently posts easy, protein-packed recipes to her 2.2 million followers on TikTok and Instagram.

She said she always emphasizes balance when asked by her followers.

“Protein is very trendy right now, but of course it’s not the only macronutrient you need,” Rodriguez says. “People might focus on high protein, but don’t forget about vegetables, micronutrients, and essential vitamins and minerals.”

D’Agostino takes a similar approach.

“I wanted to show people how to get protein in terms of still being able to follow a high-protein diet and still get a balanced, protein-rich, whole-food, lean protein source,” she said.

Before starting a new diet, Stanford of Massachusetts General Hospital advises patients to first talk to their doctor or registered dietitian to evaluate their personal risks and medical history. If a high-protein diet is deemed safe, Stanford encourages patients to think about it as a thoughtful, long-term commitment.

“When a patient suggests a diet, I always ask, ‘Are you going to do this for the rest of your life?'” Stanford says.

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