Home Nutrition What is the ‘carnivore diet’ and is it a bad idea?

What is the ‘carnivore diet’ and is it a bad idea?

by Universalwellnesssystems

You may have heard about the carnivore diet and its claims to be beneficial to our health.

Many diet trends, such as the Paleo diet and the Atkins diet, recommend high protein and low carbohydrate intake. But carnivore diets take this trend to the extreme.

So what is it and is it bad for your health?

What is a carnivorous diet?

As the name suggests, a carnivore diet involves eating only meat and animal products.

Although there is no official definition, proponents of this diet advocate eating lean meats, pork, chicken and other poultry, eggs, fish and seafood. can contain

All plant foods are usually excluded. So no fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts or seeds.

Here are some examples of what you can eat on a typical day:

Breakfast: eggs and bacon (no toast)

Lunch: Lamb burger (no bun)

Dinner: Ribeye steak (no sides)

A standard breakfast on a carnivore diet might be eggs and bacon without toast or a side.
Pexels/freestocksorg, CC BY

Are there any nutritional benefits?

The short answer is no.

It may theoretically be possible to get all the essential vitamins and minerals from animal foods. lean red meat A good source of iron, zinc and vitamin B12, and fatty fish are a good source of essential fatty acids such as omega-3.

However, unless your diet is very well planned, eating only animal meat can lead to inadequate intake of certain vitamins and minerals. and folic acid. fruitvegetables, whole grains.

Importantly, dietary fiber is significantly lacking in the diet of carnivores. low fiber diet It may increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

to avoid malnutrition Australia’s healthy eating guide We recommend eating from the five main food groups: fruits, vegetables, cereals, red meat, and dairy.

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Is it bad for your health?

most likely.

Most of the evidence for the benefits of this diet is anecdotal, based on personal experience, rather than scientific evidence.

Recent paper We identified self-reported health benefits and higher satisfaction in adults following a carnivore diet for >6 months. However, the study involved asking people how much they liked their chosen diet, so we can’t conclude much from the results.

When it comes to high protein diets in general, we know that protein quantity and quality are important.

research Long-term high-protein diets (more than 6 months) can impair the ability of the liver, gut, and kidneys to detoxify ammonia. Ammonia is a waste product produced by the body during the digestion of proteins.

For example, 12 months Randomized controlled trial We investigated how proteins affect renal function. Researchers prescribed adults either the Atkins diet (30% of total energy intake from protein) or a control diet (approximately 15% of total energy intake from protein). typical australian meal).

The study reported that clearance of creatinine (a protein digestive product) in adults on the Atkins diet increased at 12 months of age, but not at 24 months. This may suggest that after a while, the kidneys became less able to remove potentially harmful byproducts of excess protein. renal impairment.

slices of beef on cutting board

The only studies on carnivore diets have been self-reported surveys of people choosing the diet.
Emerson Vieira/Unsplash, CC BY

However, due to limited food choices, the high cost of meat, the repeatability of many high-protein diets, and concerns about whether it is ethical, there are not many long-term trials.

However, evidence from large, long-term observational studies suggests that a diet high in red and processed meat Heart disease and many cancer.

You can eat a carnivore diet for months or years without any health problems, but it’s not for everyone.

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How much meat is too much?

For adults, high protein diet It is generally defined as consuming at least 2g of protein per kg of body weight per day.

For an 80kg man this would be 160g of protein per day. And what does 160g of protein in whole foods look like? corresponds to (550g meat).

Diagram showing 6 medium lamb chops weighing 550g each containing 160g protein on one side and 1 small lamb chop weighing 65g on the other side – recommended dietary intake.

conversation, CC BY-ND

Comparing this to national guidelines, Australian Dietary Guidelines The average adult is recommended to cook and eat up to 455g of red meat per week (or 65g per day, equivalent to one small lamb chop).

especially for heart health heart foundation We recommend eating less than 350g of cooked, unprocessed red meat per week (50g per day).

So what’s the verdict?

of strongest evidence It indicates an abundance of plant foods such as fruits and vegetables, and a moderate amount of lean, unprocessed red meat, poultry, and fish. good for our health.

For this reason, mediterranean diet Widespread in healthy eating habits.

If you’re considering trying a high-protein diet, it’s a good idea to consult with a health care professional first. Certified nutritionist.

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