Home Health Care A typical workday for digital nomad Sonya Collins

A typical workday for digital nomad Sonya Collins

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sonia Collins, an independent Kenyan journalist and digital nomad.

In this installment of “A Typical Day”: Sonia CollinsA freelance journalist based in Atlanta, Georgia, covering science and medical research, Collins spends three months each year working overseas. Digital nomadThis year I worked from South Africa and Kenya, and last year I worked from Southeast Asia and Japan.

Collins talks about life as a digital nomad, from planning her stay to what a typical day in the life is like. This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Where will you stay when working abroad?

I stay in what are called co-living spaces or co-living houses, which are communal living where you share a kitchen with other people, and usually have a co-working space, but you have your own room and bathroom. All the amenities are geared towards solo travelers who are also working, so these places promise comfort, fast internet, and clean kitchens.

Do you feel lonely?

In a co-living house, you can quickly make friends with people who do exactly what you do: work during the day and want to explore in the evenings and on weekends.

How do I find a shared house?

There is a website called Co-livingBut it’s not at all comprehensive, so it takes time to find your options. These places are aimed at people much younger than me (I’m 48 and childfree, so I’m flexible). That means these places are advertised on social media – I hunt them out on Instagram and join some great Facebook groups. Female digital nomadshas over 90,000 members. I joined this group and said, “Hey guys, I want to go somewhere in July. My criteria is that it has public transportation or I can walk or bike to it, and it has to have a shared house where I can stay.” I gave them my wish list. We have women here from all over the world, and they’ve all lived all over the world, so it’s an incredible mix of experiences and perspectives.

How hard do you work when you’re abroad?

When I’m in Atlanta, I tend to say yes to any job that comes my way. When I’m traveling, I’m there to enjoy the place and I may say no a little more to maintain a more comfortable work-life balance.

Organize your assignments before you leave?

Typically, at the beginning of a three-month trip, I already have a month or a month and a half of work planned out. When I get back, I follow the same workflow. Then, while I’m there, I start planning the next six weeks of work.

Do you tell your editors that you work from another country?

I have a few editors who follow me on social media and they think my lifestyle is really cool, so I tell them that. But some of them think outside the box, so I’m worried that if I say, “I’m in Kenya,” they’ll think I’m on vacation and I won’t get any work. If they stop giving me work, I’ll be in trouble.

When you’re overseas, do you also do on-site reporting?

Nearly every place I go, I find a story to report on while I’m there for two reasons: first, because I think it’s a great way to see the place, and second, because I have no qualms about deducting travel from my taxes.

Where will your office be located?

During my normal life in Atlanta, I work from home or go to cafes or co-working spaces. When I travel, I make sure I have a comfortable space to work where I live. But I also usually join an outdoor co-working space that’s full of travelers, expats, and digital nomads. For me, that’s where I find community and make friends.

What equipment will you bring?

Bring your laptop, noise cancelling earphones, earplugs and your laptop and that’s pretty much all you need.

How do you interview people in the US?

I use Google Meet, and I have a cellular plan that allows me to use my phone while I’m abroad so I can FaceTime and call sources.

What does a typical day look like when you’re abroad?

The only typical thing is that I give myself more flexibility and leeway than I would if I were working from home. When I’m in Atlanta, I pretty much stick to an 8AM-6PM schedule. But when I’m overseas, I tell myself that all I really need to do is get work done, and I don’t need to work 9AM-5PM in that country’s time zone.

When I was in Thailand, I would go to a Tai Chi class every morning and then go out for coffee or brunch, so sometimes I wouldn’t actually start work until noon and might end up working late into the evening.

I also need to be flexible because I’m conducting interviews in different time zones, so I organize my day accordingly, having fun during the day and working in the evenings.

How do you stay focused?

When I’m traveling, I find myself super focused, I feel so happy, I feel totally aligned with what I want to do in the world, and I have so much energy and motivation. When I’m back in Atlanta, I get distracted by all the chores that need to be done at home, like doing laundry and fixing things.

Can you recommend any digital nomad blogs or podcasts?

My blog is Another IslandThere are posts that are like manuals on how to become a digital nomad. I like YouTube channels/podcasts/blogs. Freelance BlueprintThe woman who runs the site interviews different types of freelancers every week, including digital nomads.

What about medical insurance?

I have travel insurance. I want it to cover me if I need emergency treatment in the country, if I have a medical emergency and need to fly home, if I have to cancel the rest of the trip for health reasons, etc. Also, my parents are elderly, so I want it to cover me if I need to fly home for their health reasons. I could get Cadillac health insurance and pay $20 a day, or I could get something more basic that covers what I described and pay around $5 a day.

I wouldn’t buy any insurance that’s offered when I click buy an airline ticket, I’d look for something aimed at digital nomads and expats.

How do I find a good doctor when I’m abroad?

I usually ask other expats or ask coworking or coliving spaces.

Do you need to save up to make these trips happen?

No. I rent out my Atlanta apartment to visiting professors and grad students, and I also list it on an Airbnb for long-term stays, so the mortgage is paid while I’m away. Of course, I’m still working while I’m away. And, most of the time, the places I travel to are cheaper than Atlanta.

Any final words of advice?

If you plan on working while traveling, you can’t just pick any place you’ve always wanted to go to as a tourist. You need to make sure the place you’re going has reliable electricity and internet. That’s something I learned the hard way.

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