Home Fitness From rock bottom to fitness coach, this Bangalore woman lost 37 Kgs and defeated depression

From rock bottom to fitness coach, this Bangalore woman lost 37 Kgs and defeated depression

by Universalwellnesssystems
Weight loss goals are achieved by those who are committed to themselves. Today’s weight loss story illustrates the same. In 2017, at 41 years old and weighing 82 kg, Sunanda Rai was at the lowest point of her life. She was battling pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and osteoarthritis. Her marriage was falling apart. Amid this turmoil, she decided to embark on a fitness journey. As she lost weight, her confidence grew and she felt the strength to leave her marriage and start a new life with her daughter.

Despite the upheaval of a divorce and not having a stable home, she persisted with her transformation. By December 2020, Sunanda had become a fitness coach, a milestone that brought her financial independence and a new sense of pride. Now living with her daughter at home in Bangalore, she looks back on her journey as not just a physical transformation but a recovery of identity. Anxiety, depression and panic attacks are no longer a part of her life. From not being able to afford chocolates for her daughter to living a self-sufficient life, Sunanda’s fitness story is a testament to the power of resilience and self-confidence. Here’s how she regained her confidence and lost weight.

Total kilos lost

I lost 37kg in 5-6 years.

The secret to this weight loss journey

My secret to losing weight is 365 days of unwavering discipline, taking care of my body, waking up at 3:30 am and going to bed by 8:30 pm. I meditate, maintain a positive mindset, nourish my mind with good content, nourish my soul with meditation and nourish my body with proper nutrition and exercise. I never compromise on these habits no matter what challenges come my way. This determination has transformed not only my body but also my entire health.

What was it like being overweight?

Being overweight made me feel like I had lost myself. I hid under layers of clothes and even going grocery shopping felt embarrassing. I struggled to breathe and anxiety and depression were constants. I no longer smiled, I no longer felt happy and I felt lifeless. It felt like my old self was gone and every day was a battle to find a ray of hope.

What was the turning point?

The turning point for me was when I became a fitness coach myself after my weight loss journey. This opportunity not only changed my life by making myself and my daughter financially independent and self-sufficient in every way, but also allowed me to positively impact the lives of so many others.

How did your journey begin in 2017?

I began my journey with Jitendra Chouksey, founder of Fittr, through his inspiring videos that shared the right knowledge on fitness and nutrition which further motivated me to stay connected with the community.

What motivated you to continue?

My health improved, I felt happy again, and I dreamed of becoming the best version of myself, of regaining my lost identity and confidence, and of changing the lives of many others just like I had. I knew I wanted to become a coach one day.

For my dietary and training routine, I eat a purely vegetarian diet, strength train six days a week, and walk 8,000-10,000 steps daily.

Fitness secret you’ve revealed/lesson learned

To lose fat, it’s not enough to just eat less; it’s important to eat the right foods. Exercise not only builds muscle, it also improves your skin, endurance and can even make you feel younger. True fitness is not just about what you eat; it’s also about exercising, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, staying active and improving your overall health.

Any fitness tips you’d like to share?

Be disciplined and patient. If you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating junk food for years, don’t expect overnight changes in just a few weeks. Discipline is key. Don’t give in to temptations often, because what you put into your body often comes back to you like a boomerang. Your body responds to what you give it continuously. Just like investing in mutual funds, it takes time and consistent effort over the long term to see real results in fitness.

If you have a weight loss story, please send it to us at [email protected]. These opinions are not generalized. Weight loss results vary from person to person, and the opinions shared in this article do not guarantee any specific results. This content is not a substitute for professional advice.

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