Home Mental Health Summertime blues? Japan mental health firm gives tips to beat ‘summer depression’

Summertime blues? Japan mental health firm gives tips to beat ‘summer depression’

by Universalwellnesssystems

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People who suffer from physical ailments such as summer fatigue, loss of appetite and insomnia, as well as mental symptoms such as lack of motivation and low mood, may be suffering from “summer depression.” We asked companies involved in mental health support about ways to prevent it.

Summer depression is not a medical diagnosis, but a type of seasonal affective disorder that occurs between June and September. When similar symptoms occur in winter, it is called “winter depression.” The cause is not clear, but it is thought that the accumulation of fatigue from early spring plays a major role.

In Japan, major life events such as entering school or starting work occur in large numbers from March to April, and fatigue gradually builds up. If fatigue is not relieved by Golden Week from late April to early May, physical and mental symptoms may begin to appear around June when the rainy season begins.

To prevent this, it is recommended to avoid excessive sunbathing, eat a healthy diet, and get good quality sleep. Sunlight is said to have the effect of regulating the autonomic nervous system, but excessive exposure to it is harmful. The strong sunlight of summer puts a strain on the body and accumulates fatigue, so it is best to avoid long periods of outdoor activity under the hot sun. Also, since a room temperature that is too high can lead to fatigue and stress, it is important to keep the room temperature comfortable according to your physical condition.

Diet plays an important role through serotonin, a neurotransmitter that influences the autonomic nervous system and mental state. Known as the “happiness hormone,” serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan, a type of protein, so meat, fish, dairy products, and soy products are recommended.

In recent years, research into both quality and quantity of sleep has been progressing. According to the “Sleep Guidelines for Health Promotion” published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in February, the recommended sleep time is six hours or more for adults, nine to 12 hours for elementary school students, and eight to 10 hours for junior and senior high school students.

Tokyo-based Advantage Risk Management recommends creating a good sleeping environment by avoiding smartphone use and caffeine before bedtime and using cool, breathable bedding.

A representative from the company, which also provides counseling, expressed concern, saying, “We receive more consultations about depressive symptoms in the winter, but there are also cases where people mistake it for summer fatigue and don’t realize they have summer depression. The ways to deal with summer fatigue and summer depression are different. If you experience symptoms of summer depression, it’s important to visit a medical institution and get plenty of rest.”

(Yuko Shimada, Economics Department)

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