Penile cancer is thankfully rare, but Cases are increasingSome experts say 77% increase By 2050, incidence of penile cancer will decline.
Developing countries tend to have the highest incidence of penile cancer, Examples The number of infected people is increasing in most European countries. The number of infected people tends to increase as the population ages. over 50 It is one of the main risk factors for penile cancer in Europe. Aging society.
Other risk factors It is caused by narrowing of the foreskin, poor genital hygiene, and smoking. rare In people who were circumcised at birth.
The squamous epithelial cells of the skin of the penis 90 and above Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is confirmed in approximately half of all penile cancers. Squamous cell carcinoma cases.
Papillomaviruses are spread by skin contact and are probably the most common sexually transmitted disease affecting humans. over 70 100% of sexually active adults will suffer from a papillomavirus infection, usually during puberty.
Infection usually causes no symptoms and clears up within a few months to years without any long-term complications. Unfortunately, previous HPV infection does not appear to protect against future infections.
These infections may persist just below the skin’s surface. On the penis, changes in skin texture and color may occur. These are called “precancerous changes.” Painless, asymptomatic sores or warts may develop, typically on the glans or under the foreskin.
The most common high-risk type of HPV, HPV16, can cause malignant changes in tissues of the penis, cervix, mouth, throat, vulva, vagina, and anus. It is probably the most carcinogenic type of HPV. Fortunately, the HPV vaccine has already significantly reduced the cancer rate. Cervical cancer.
Because there is usually a long period between HPV infection and the development of cancer, it may take even longer to see the effects of these injections on penile cancer.
Penile cancer diagnosis Often delayed This is because patients feel guilty and ashamed. Many men Self-treatment Apply antibacterial or steroid creams while you postpone a doctor’s appointment.
Doctors are also often the cause of delays. Sometimes erroneously classified as benignPrompt diagnosis and treatment are important because the chances of a cure are significantly lower if malignant cells have spread to the inguinal lymph nodes.
Cancerous tissue can be removed with lasers or microsurgery, sometimes in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but some tumors do not respond to treatment and the penis may have to be amputated, but this should always be a last resort.
Recent BBC report Brazil has one of the highest rates of penile amputations in the world, with around two amputations taking place every day, a new study has revealed.
But there is hope. Engineered T cells Attacking HPV-infected cells (a type of immune cell), or immunotherapy, etc. Tistlelizumab Treatments that improve the immune response to squamous cell tumors have proven effective in some cases.
Colin MichieVice Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Central Lancashire
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