Home Mental Health Local group combats increasing mental health concerns in first responders

Local group combats increasing mental health concerns in first responders

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Community Police Relations Foundation is dedicated to strengthening relationships between communities and law enforcement. (KDVR)

DENVER (KDVR) — An organization is working to address growing mental health concerns among law enforcement and further relationships within the community.

It is estimated that 30% of first responders develop a behavioral health conditionAccording to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

First responders are typically the first to arrive on the scene in a disaster or emergency and are often the first to provide emotional and physical support to victims.

These duties are essential to keeping our communities safe, but the stress and trauma associated with the work can have a significant negative impact on mental health.

According to the CDC: Work-related stress may be associated with increased suicide riskanxiety and depression.

This is a concern that first responder expert Al Eskanazi is working to address.

“We are witnessing unprecedented trauma at the hands of these police officers,” Escanazi said. “The trauma of an incident is not a one-time event. Many officers face this situation up to 200 times a year.”

Escanazi receives assistance, Regional Police Relations Foundation.

“We started this foundation to bring struggling communities together with law enforcement and get to know each other, beyond just legal issues,” Escanazi said. “What it allows us to do is start a conversation about humans, about human nature. This is not a police car going 30 miles an hour with an anonymous robot in it. It’s a person.”

Escanazi said the foundation is dedicated to improving law enforcement relations within the communities it serves, hosting events across the country and spearheading programs to treat mental health issues.

“In just over three and a half years, we have created 6,600 police officers and first responders through our program,” Escanazi said.

And sometimes just expressing your gratitude can go a long way.

“When you see a police officer waving, say, ‘Hello, officer.’ It’s nice to see you.’ Or, ‘Thank you for your service.’ Or just smile and say nothing. Please smile and nod. ”

of Regional Police Relations Foundation is a nonprofit organization made up of citizens passionate about bringing communities and local law enforcement together.

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