Home Fitness Fitness trainer’s 5 exercises to target belly fat, sculpt abs

Fitness trainer’s 5 exercises to target belly fat, sculpt abs

by Universalwellnesssystems


This routine will shake you to your core.

The director of an online retailer of boxing equipment shares five exercises to target belly fat and tone your abdominal muscles. dead insect. bicycle crunch. The hollow body holds it. And the climbers.

Leon Bolmer, boxing trainer and director Geezers Boxing based in the UK, Speaking on Gloucestershire Live These movements should be performed in three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, two to three times a week, with at least one rest day in between.

“Consistency is the key,” Vollmer said last week. “If you follow this plan closely, you will begin to see and feel the difference in your core strength and definition.”

Leon Bolmer, director of UK-based Geezers Boxing, says the plank is a shoulder tap. dead insect. bicycle crunch. The hollow body holds it. Climbers get rid of belly fat and strengthen their abdominal muscles. Getty Images

plank with shoulder tap

“Start in a high plank position with your forearms on the ground, elbows under your shoulders, and your body in a straight line from head to heels,” Bolmer explained. “Tight your core, tap one shoulder with your opposite hand, and return to plank position. Repeat as many times as necessary.”

men’s health notes This exercise strengthens core and shoulder stability, posture, and flexibility while testing your balance and control. The outlet advises avoiding twisting, shifting, or tilting your body, keeping your shoulders and hips square to the ground, and moving at a moderate pace.

dead bug

To begin this low-impact pelvic stability exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your toes pointed upwards. Raise both arms towards the ceiling.

Extend your right leg forward and at the same time extend your left arm back.

“Next, slowly lower your extended arms and legs towards the floor, but make sure you don’t arch your lower back,” Bolmer told Gloucestershire Live. “Maintain core engagement throughout the movement, return to the starting position, and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.”

Yorkville Sports Medicine Clinic in Toronto We recommend keeping your spine in a consistent position during the movement, remembering to breathe, and modifying exercises depending on your skill level.

“If you stick to this plan, you’ll start to see and feel the difference in your core strength and definition,” Bollmer said. Getty Images

bicycle crunch

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and hands behind your head, but do not interlace your fingers.

Lift your head and shoulders off the ground and rotate your torso as you bring one elbow toward the opposite knee. Stretch your other leg long.

“Switch sides in a continuous motion, mimicking a pedaling motion,” Bollmer said.

Written by Today.comAimed at increasing stability, coordination, and flexibility, bicycle crunches are more beneficial than standard crunches because they work the internal and external obliques, says weight loss coach Stephanie Mansour. I claimed that there was.

hollow body hold

Lie on your back with your feet together and your arms extended behind your head.

“Tighten your core and lift your shoulders and legs slightly off the ground, forming a slight ‘C’ shape with your body,” Bolmer told Gloucestershire Live. “Hold this position for as long as you can with proper form, and aim to improve your hold time over time.”

Don Saladino, the famous trainer, groaned and trembled. He demonstrated the move on Instagram. In 2018.

“Consistency is the key,” Bolmer points out. Getty Images


Start in a high plank position. Place your hands under your shoulders and your shoulders over your wrists. Bring one knee toward your chest and return to plank position.

There are 5 variations of bicycle magazines The exercise this outlet promises will “work your abs.”

But obesity researchers recently argued that you can’t use exercise, diet, pills or supplements to slim down specific parts of your body.

“Spot loss is a myth; we have no control over where we lose fat in our bodies,” says Dr. Nick Fuller of the University of Sydney in Australia. I wrote this in a conversation last fall.. “But by targeting overall fat loss, you can achieve the results you are looking for in specific areas.”

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