Home Health Care World Mental Health Day: Is Mental Health Care Accessible To Everyone Who Needs It?

World Mental Health Day: Is Mental Health Care Accessible To Everyone Who Needs It?

by Universalwellnesssystems

today world mental health day, and it is very important to discuss the cost of mental health and how coping with it is a big battle. should be On the one hand, the provision of mental health services is undoubtedly a burden for mental health professionals and should be paid appropriately.

But come to think of it, it is certainly burdensome to provide any health service, and reaching all socio-economic groups is very important. The difference is that governments and public perceptions are more supportive in cases of physical illness compared to mental illness. health care is put on the back burner.

But if you think deeply, you will realize that mental health care is a pressing need.a study A study of the number of people in need of mental health care across India in 2017 found that 197.3 million people needed such services.

A total of 44.9 million people suffer from anxiety disorders and 45.7 million experience depressive disorders. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation and caused great concern around the world.

A more pernicious and pessimistic aspect of this would be the fact that those who need mental health services the most are those who cannot afford them. Suicide rates typically rise when the economy is struggling, experts say. Reuters The report notes that Asians may be particularly vulnerable as the region is home to some of the highest suicide rates in the world. In India, the volatility of the country’s economic situation has been noted. make a deep impact About death by suicide.

It is important to note that these economic dislocations are primarily facing marginalized groups such as queer individuals, women and low and middle income individuals. This makes their mental health even worse.

Also Read: Mental Health and Education: NCERT Directs Schools to Create Mental Health Advisory Boards

The idiosyncrasies that need to be addressed to ensure that queer individuals, women, oppressed caste individuals, and low-income groups have access to mental health care are lacking in the public health care system. is perhaps in positive steps to recognize and bridge gaps in mental health awareness as well as mental health awareness. Planning to make it available will definitely take some effort.

In India, social deprivation and poverty are closely related to poor mental health. The effects of poverty on people’s mental health include feelings of alienation, isolation, helplessness, helplessness and hopelessness. Add the stigma of unverified gender identity and gender-dual social structures, and the situation becomes even more complicated.

As such, it tends to be seen here. Globally, it is the lower and middle income groups that bear the brunt of the deterioration in mental health due to the economic situation. Similarly, in these countries, it is likely that low- and middle-income people are more likely to succumb to suicide deaths due to lack of access to mental health support.

Further at the intersection of marginalization, women, oppressed caste communities, and LGBTQIA+ individuals struggle to access mental health support. Homes are often not safe places for women and queers. This was especially emphasized during the pandemic.

A wide variety of genders and sexual minorities were among those exposed to insecurity in ways we don’t talk much about. Much of their life is subject to increased surveillance and regulation.

Queer individuals in particular have very limited options when it comes to how to deal with abusive and oppressive homes. They could stay in abusive homes without mental health support or move out to survive.

Without financial support from family, this situation becomes difficult to sustain and further impacts mental health. Not treated for.

To revive the mental health system within the larger public health care system, policy reform must go beyond static documents. Hospitals need to hire more psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. Governments should therefore lead systematic efforts to invest in community-based care alongside strengthening hospital services. Sexuality stigma, prevalent caste-based discrimination, and economic bottlenecks need to be addressed. Medical and psychiatric professionals must be trained to handle cases with meticulous care, context and caution.

The idiosyncrasies that need to be addressed to ensure that queer individuals, women, oppressed caste individuals, and low-income groups have access to mental health care are lacking in the public health care system. is perhaps not just about mental health awareness, but on positive steps to recognize and bridge gaps. It definitely takes some effort to come up with a plan to be able to do so.

Indeed, the economy and mental health are very deeply intertwined. An individual’s mental health struggles and the resulting suicide deaths also affect the country’s economy.according to Lancet Commission upon Global mental health and sustainable development According to a 2018 report, the global economy will lose $16 trillion to mental illness by 2030.

researcher in 2010 projected the overall monthly cost of mental health treatment in India to be Rs. 10,000 crore ($100 billion), taking into account the prevalence of mental illness of 200 per 1,000 and a personal cost of Rs. 500.

image: AXA

To revive the mental health system within the larger public health care system, policy reform must go beyond static documents. Hospitals need to hire more psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

Governments should therefore lead systematic efforts to invest in community-based care alongside improving hospital services. Sexuality stigma, prevalent caste-based discrimination, and economic bottlenecks need to be addressed. Medical and psychiatric professionals must be trained to handle cases with sensitivity, context, and care.

Finally, the overarching goal of policy and governance should be to ensure that people with mental illness not only survive, but live lives of dignity and have access to all the resources they need.

Living standards and accessibility to resources have a significant impact on people’s quality of life. This affects their mental health. This impact on quality of life should not be underestimated. We need to look to all socioeconomic groups and ensure everyone has access to healing resources and mental health care.

Also Read: Mental Health is Political: Institutional Violence at Work, Marginalization, and Mental Health Policy

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