Home Fitness Men DO get fatter after they get married because they eat more and exercise less after tying the knot, scientists say

Men DO get fatter after they get married because they eat more and exercise less after tying the knot, scientists say

by Universalwellnesssystems

Written by Chris Pollard

00:13 February 28, 2024, 00:30 Updated February 28, 2024

  • Marriage has a ‘significant impact’ on men’s BMI scores, new study finds

Scientists have confirmed what women have known for a long time: men become fat and lazy after marriage.

According to researchers, men start gaining weight in the first five years of marriage because they eat more calories and exercise less.

They said marriage has a “significant impact” on a person’s BMI score, which measures a person’s healthy weight, with an additional 5.2% of men becoming overweight and obesity rates increasing by 2.5% after marriage.

However, there was no evidence of a similar trend among women.

Although this study was conducted in China, researchers believe this is a universal fact.

Scientists have confirmed what women have known for a long time – men get fat and lazy after marriage (stock photo)
Researchers have found that men start gaining weight in the first five years of marriage because they eat more calories and exercise less (pictured)

“This phenomenon, commonly referred to as ‘happy fat’, has been demonstrated by numerous cohort studies conducted in Western industrialized countries,” said Shiwen Quan of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

“After marriage, men often exercise less and eat more, which leads to an increase in BMI.

“Men face a significant risk of obesity as they age, so it’s important to ‘hold on to yourself’ after marriage by maintaining healthy eating habits and exercising regularly.

“In contrast, there was no clear trend in women’s BMI after marriage.”

The study, published in the journal Economics & Human Biology, found that men’s BMI scores continued to rise during the first five years of marriage, followed by a plateau.

They said marriage has a “significant impact” on a person’s BMI score, which measures a person’s healthy weight, with an additional 5.2% of men becoming overweight and obesity rates increasing by 2.5% after marriage (Stock image )

The researchers said the study highlights the importance of promoting physical fitness and health care within families, and suggested that health authorities should provide dietary guidance to newlyweds.

They argue that public health policy should consider marriage as a “window for intervention” to address an individual’s weight management needs, and that “post-marital body management plans” should be designed for both men and women. said.

Previous research has shown that the higher a person’s satisfaction with their intimate relationships, the more likely they are to be obese.

  • Another study found that a woman’s scent could lead to early death in men. Researchers in New Zealand found that exposing middle-aged male mice to the scent of a female causes them to “invest” their body’s resources into their reproductive system, leading to premature aging and increased mortality, leading to the discovery that “femme fatale” ” gave a new meaning.

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