Home Fitness Woman banned from gym, ripped on social media after being caught on tape roasting fellow gymgoer’s physique

Woman banned from gym, ripped on social media after being caught on tape roasting fellow gymgoer’s physique

by Universalwellnesssystems


A woman who targeted another gym user’s body shape has had her membership revoked after a social media personality intervened.

Allie, who goes by @the_rippedbarbie on Instagram, filmed another gym-goer at Absolute Recomp in Texas doing crunches on a training bench, shirtless.

“If you’re going to train topless, at least build some muscle,” Ally tweeted as she filmed the man.

Ally posted a video criticizing a man who went shirtless at the gym. The Joeys Wol/TikTok

Social media personality Joey Swoll, known for his videos criticizing poor gym etiquette, such as mocking people and getting irritated with people interrupting his filmed workouts, has caught this video. did.

“Listen, I get it. If you want to train in a gym where everyone keeps their shirts on, that’s fine,” he said.

“But this gym is not one of them.”

He said he called the gym to check the rules and the gym told him it was OK for men to train without shirts.

Joey said Ally knew the rules when she registered but decided to continue her membership anyway so she had to follow them.

Joey Swoll has slammed a woman who videotaped another gym-goer and commented on him working out shirtless. The Joeys Wol/TikTok

“This includes the rule that people cannot be photographed without their consent for posting on social media,” he said.

“And people tried to tell you this.”

In response to the backlash, Ally claimed that the man was not trying to shame her because she went to the gym, but because she was shirtless. The Ripped Barbie/Instagram

Ally posted her own exchange after others voiced their concerns and posts, saying she wasn’t criticizing the man for going to the gym, but for the fact that he was shirtless. .

“For a variety of reasons, there is no reason why men or women should walk around this square without clothes,” she responded to one concerned social media user.

She called people who voice concerns on Instagram Stories “keyboard warriors.”

https://nypost.com/2024/02/17/lifestyle/women-banned-from-gym-ripped-on-social-media-after-being-caught-on-tape-roasting-fellow-gymgoers-physique/ ?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons

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