Home Products Knowing Your Blood Type Is Useful: 3 Easy Ways to Find Out Yours

Knowing Your Blood Type Is Useful: 3 Easy Ways to Find Out Yours

by Universalwellnesssystems

Knowing your blood type is important. I was recently filling out a volunteer application when blood typeLuckily, I knew in my head that I was type O positive, but I wanted to find documentation to confirm it. I checked if the type was mentioned, but that didn’t work. I checked my primary care doctor’s health portal and this didn’t work either.

So how do you know your blood type if you don’t know your blood type?

If you don’t know your type, you’re not alone. According to a 2019 CBS News poll, only 66% of Americans reported knowing their blood type. Considering your blood type is very important in understanding your health. heart health – And of course, to save you in an emergency – it’s important to know what kind of blood is flowing through your veins. blood type is relatively simple. Here are three easy ways to find out your blood type.

Also read: 5 surprising reasons why mosquitoes bite you: blood type, clothing, and more

blood type basics

Blood types are classified into one of eight groups: A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-negative, O-positive, O-negative, AB-positive, AB-negative. But what determines blood type and what does that blood type mean?

Blood type is determined by antigens (substances that trigger an immune response) on the surface of red blood cells. There are ABO antigens that designate ABO blood types. This is determined by the ABO gene. for example:

  • type A Blood type has A antigen
  • type B blood type has B antigen
  • type AB Blood type has both A and B antigens
  • Type O produce neither A nor B antigens

There are also rhesus monkey (Rh) antigens that determine whether blood is “positive” or “negative.” If there is Rh protein on the surface of your red blood cells, you are Rh positive.If there is no Rh protein on the surface of your red blood cells, your blood is negative.

Blood types are classified into one of eight groups: A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-negative, O-positive, O-negative, AB-positive, AB-negative.

Ekachai Rohakamonchai/EyeEm/Getty Images

How can you find out your blood type?

There are three main ways to determine your blood type:

  • get a blood test from a doctor
  • blood donation
  • take a blood test at home

1. Clinical trial

One of the easiest and most effective ways to determine your blood type is to have your blood tested by a doctor. A professional draws blood and runs two tests on the blood sample: forward typing and reverse typing.

During forward typing, a blood sample is mixed with antibodies against type A and B blood. Blood type can be determined by whether or not blood cells stick together when mixed with antibodies. If blood cells stick together when mixed with antibodies against type B blood, it is type B blood.If blood cells stick together when mixed with antibodies against type A blood, it is type A blood.

To check the result, the next step is reverse typing. This means mixing A and B blood cells into a red blood cell-free blood sample (called serum). Type A blood has antibodies to type B blood, and type B blood has antibodies to type A blood. Type O blood contains antibodies against types A and B. Therefore, if adhesion occurs when serum is mixed with type B cells, it is type A blood, and if adhesion occurs when serum is mixed with type A cells, it is your blood type. is type B.

It’s a good idea to call your GP to find out what your out-of-pocket costs for blood typing are and whether your insurance covers them.

2. Blood donation

This is a simple and free blood typing method, but the results are not immediately available.

If you want to donate blood, just ask the staff what your blood type is. Blood is usually not tested right away, so results may take several weeks.

Eldon card blood type test

At-home kits allow you to test your blood type in just a few minutes from the comfort of your own home.

eldon card

3. Home blood test

Testing at home is relatively easy. Usually, you should start by wiping your finger with an alcohol tissue and then prick your finger with a disposable lancet to draw blood. Then wipe off the blood with the card provided. Depending on how the blood dries, clumps or spreads, the blood stain can be compared to the result card. Within minutes, you can identify your blood type.

more for your health

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, always consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your health care provider.

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