Home Mental Health A Path to Well-Being: Overcome Seasonal Mood Swings

A Path to Well-Being: Overcome Seasonal Mood Swings

by Universalwellnesssystems

Over the past two years, taking care of our mental health has never been more important as we have experienced the pandemic.How we treat our bodies, how and with whom we spend time, and what thoughts are at the center of our minds are very important. road to happinesswe share science and strategies to help you better understand and manage your health in 2022.

I have good news for you. When he “reverts” to standard time on November 6th in the US and Canada, he gets an extra hour of sleep. I have bad news here. Shorter days and less sunlight can have the effect of seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression caused by seasonal changes.

You don’t need to qualify for a clinical diagnosis to notice the depression that accompanies the shift to standard hours. These changes in your daily schedule can disrupt your circadian rhythm, the body clock that regulates your mood, sleep, and appetite.

“Seasonal affective disorder is a clinical diagnosis, but many of us will feel these symptoms a little bit,” says Barbara Nosal, psychologist and chief clinical officer at Newport Health Care. “Because the sun is not shining, the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting a little cooler, etc., we are not so motivated and willing to get involved.”

The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which affects about 5% of American adults, are similar to those of depression. Depression, difficulty concentrating, feelings of hopelessness.

“The reason we know it’s SAD is because it’s going to look at what’s happening to people at the same time of year at the same time,” Nosal explains. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of SAD usually last four to five months, but not everyone with the condition experiences symptoms each year.

Seasonal affective disorder is more common in women.

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Most SAD sufferers experience symptoms in the winter, but very few are affected by the change from spring to sunny days. Scientists believe the condition is caused by disturbances in circadian rhythms and fluctuations in neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.

SAD is common among women, people with other mood disorders, and people living in geographic regions far from the equator. People with a family history of mental illness are also at increased risk, according to Nosal, with SAD often beginning in adolescence or young adulthood.

Treatments include light therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and antidepressants. But before you change your clock, Nosaru suggests implementing these strategies to keep your mood upbeat on days when they don’t.

absorb the rays

If it’s dark at the beginning and end of your day, getting some sunlight during the day, even through a window, can help improve your mood and regulate your circadian rhythm. Consider taking a walk outside during your lunch break, says Northal. This also helps with vitamin D deficiency, which is common in the winter. Our bodies synthesize vitamin D from exposure to sunlight.

People undergoing treatment for SAD may be advised to sit in front of a light box that mimics outdoor light for 20 to 30 minutes each morning. “It really boosts melatonin levels,” says Nosal.

You can boost a similar mood by making your home or work environment as bright as possible. Open the shades and turn on the lights to let in as much natural light as possible. “If you can’t bring in daylight, bring in artificial light,” he says.

moment of tranquility

Getting some natural sunlight will lift your mood.

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embrace nature

Both exercise and spending time outdoors are great for your overall health. Studies show that being in nature can reduce stress, increase happiness, improve sleep, and reduce the risk of mental illness. A lunchtime walk in the park is the ideal combination of exercise, nature and sun exposure to boost your mood. All three elements increase feel-good brain chemicals and balance circadian rhythms.

Even in urban areas, spending time outdoors, especially early in the morning, can boost your mood. You can also receive a digital dose of nature. Researchers have found that simply looking at images of green spaces on a screen or listening to the sounds of nature can reduce stress levels and improve mood.

plan a sunny vacation

Nasal suggests that people suffering from SAD need a winter break to a warm and sunny destination “even if it’s just for a few hours or days.” She says multiple short trips are more beneficial than one long vacation to maximize sun exposure throughout the season.

“What I’ve found in working with people is shorter, more frequent [trips are] Better than once,” explains Nosal. “When they’re away for two weeks, they feel great because they’re in the sun, but then they come back and have to deal with the rest of the winter.”

Beautiful middle aged woman sitting on a bench and resting outside the city on an autumn day

Spending time outside early in the morning can help reduce seasonal mood swings.

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take care of your loved ones

“If someone, as an adult, lived in one of these geographic locations and had much shorter days and reduced exposure to sunlight during the winter months, they might not get SAD. “But for teenagers and young adults, that’s where you see it more.”

Young people are most at risk for their first SAD episode, so it is important to be aware of behavioral changes in teenagers over the course of their lives. Nosal encourages parents to keep communication open with young adults, even when they’re hiding in their rooms and hesitant to look up from their laptops and cell phones.

“Parents may not be interacting much, so they have to ask questions,” says Northal. Especially if you notice a change in your child’s mood. “It’s not too intrusive, but I want them to know, ‘I’m here to support you.'”

Sandy Cohen is a Southern California-based writer, health and wellness coach, to inner peace podcast. follow her on her twitter @YouKnowSandy.

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