Home Health Care California joins multi-state coalition supporting health care for immigrant families

California joins multi-state coalition supporting health care for immigrant families

by Universalwellnesssystems

SACRAMENTO — California Attorney General Rob Bonta on Saturday joined forces with New York Attorney General Letitia James to join U.S. authorities across the country to support and fight for better access to health care and decent food for immigrant families. announced that he will lead a coalition of 17 people.

“Immigration is a central part of our nation’s identity, culture, and prosperity,” Attorney General Bonta said in a press release. “Hard-working immigrants helped build this country and are the backbone of our economy. Shameful utility rate rules during the Trump administration have left many immigrant families and parents without access to public services like health care and nutritional assistance. “We cannot allow these cruel policies to continue.”California is committed to ensuring that immigrant families have access to programs that build strong, healthy communities without fear. , supports the Biden administration. ”

The updated regulations oppose Trump-era changes that forced immigrants and their families to avoid applying to essential health, nutrition and housing programs to which they were entitled.

In a court brief, the coalition of attorneys general emphasized the importance of the Biden administration’s new and improved “public charge” regulations in supporting states’ decisions to protect the health and well-being of immigrant families and all residents.

The restrictions are particularly impactful in California, where more than 10 million immigrants call the state home. Half of California’s children have at least one immigrant parent.

Officials have touted the expected benefits for the state, including increased vaccination rates and better response to infectious disease outbreaks. Promote student health and academic progress by increasing participation in school lunch programs and school-based activities. Reduce the financial and administrative burden on state agencies, public health systems, and safety net providers.

The application includes California and New York, as well as Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, The attorneys general of Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia are participating.

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