Home Nutrition What’s So Super About Superfoods?

What’s So Super About Superfoods?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Overview: Researchers question whether so-called “superfoods” are really as good for the body as people claim, and if so, how they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet.

sauce: University of New South Wales

We’ve all heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

This is a phrase that suggests that apples were probably first labeled as a “superfood” long before the term “superfood” became commonplace.

But now, it’s been less than a week without a new superfood that promises amazing health benefits not making the rounds on social media. Recent fads include quinoa, chia seeds, and kale.

Most importantly, though, does eating something like kale four times a week really support bone health? Or did someone pull off the greatest marketing campaign of all time?

Jayashree Arcot, a food and nutrition expert and associate professor in the UNSW School of Chemical Engineering, says the term superfood is sometimes used loosely by “lifestyle gurus.” Although there is no universally agreed definition of “superfoods,” the presence of bioactive substances and compounds in them has been valued for their health benefits.

“Scientifically, there is no such thing as a superfood, which basically refers to a nutrient-rich food or compound that can affect health, but with a prominent label,” says Arcott. says the associate professor.

“Unfortunately, the term can mislead people into thinking that certain foods have incredible nutritional and health properties, and that consuming them can solve any health problem.

“There is no single food group that holds the key to unlocking great health benefits, but we do know that some foods are better than others. And I’m going to be careful about what I eat.

“Food alone cannot address health concerns, but it can play a role as part of an overall treatment plan. If your goal is to lose weight, include superfoods like blueberries. You can’t achieve that just by eating.

“But we need to find the right combination and moderate amount of balance between these foods to have any kind of health effect.”

Not a superfood for everyone

About five to ten years before the term “superfood” became popular, the term “functional food” was used in the food and health community.

Functional foods are used in conjunction with physiologically beneficial foods that may reduce the risk of disease development due to the addition or removal of certain nutrients.

Later, the term “superfood” was introduced to describe foods with specific health benefits. According to Arcott, all foods can be classified as functional.

“Drinking milk, which has a high concentration of calcium, has been shown to strengthen bones and teeth, and eating foods high in vitamin A has been shown to do wonders for eye health,” she says.

“On the one hand, fatty foods are usually avoided because they run the risk of increasing cholesterol. It is very important for those at high risk.

Kale is one of the most commonly mentioned foods when talking about superfoods. Several studies have shown that kale has antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties, but the conclusion is that consuming kale offers more health benefits than other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower. There is no documentary evidence to support it yet.

“If you start eating a lot of kale, no one will tell you it’s bad for you. Unless you’re prone to kidney stones, for example, you may have too much oxalate, which is found in leafy greens. It’s a compound that’s toxic and it happens when you’re advised to eat less in your diet,” says A/Prof. . Alcott.

“So there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to this.”

Can superfoods still come to the rescue?

A/Prof. Arcott says we need to pay close attention to a food’s nutritional profile to determine if it’s suitable for the health concerns we’re addressing.

“There is no denying that a balanced diet is good for a person’s overall health,” she says.

See also

“For example, the Mediterranean diet is a heart-healthy eating plan that includes foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and seafood, thought to support brain function and promote heart health. ”

A/Prof Arcot says compounds found in some foods may prevent or delay the onset of some chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

This shows a bush blueberry
Although there is no universally agreed definition of “superfoods”, the presence of bioactive substances and compounds in them has been valued for their health benefits. Image is in the public domain

“Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries are nutrient sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, and these properties may combat inflammation, but their efficacy in reducing inflammation is is not a superfood as it requires randomized controlled trials.”

Sequel to the superfood story

One of the latest “superfoods” is turmeric, a popular cooking spice that contains a powerful compound called curcumin, known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

But how much of this compound do you really need to consume before it has any effect on your body?

A/Prof. Arcott says this is a complex area that requires more research to understand.

“Sometimes the compounds we need are only present in trace amounts in the foods we eat,” she says.

“We still have a long way to go in terms of research to know the exact amount needed to bring about this kind of change in the body. she says.

“Illness prevention is everything. A healthy diet with the right foods contributes to overall health.”

About this diet and neuroscience research news

author: press office
sauce: University of New South Wales
contact: Press Office – University of New South Wales
image: image is public domain

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