Home Fitness The Crescent Moon Pose Is Like A Breath Of Fresh Air For Your Spine

The Crescent Moon Pose Is Like A Breath Of Fresh Air For Your Spine

by Universalwellnesssystems

The next time you feel stuck, stagnant, or a little stiff, reach up and bend to the side into crescent moon pose. This yoga stretch is super simple, but it can make a big difference in how you feel.

Also called crescent moon pose Urdhva Hastasana, This is a standing yoga pose where you reach out and lean your body to one side, says Zappola Turnercertified yoga teacher and instructor. core power yoga In San Francisco. “With the crescent moon, you’re going to focus on stretching her lower body while opening and stretching her upper body,” she tells Bustle. It is also effective for stretching the spine and promotes blood circulation.

When you bend over to one side, essentially turning yourself into a crescent moon shape, you stretch the sides of your body along with activating your obliques. You’ll feel a deep stretch not only through your arms and shoulders, but also through your quadriceps, outer hips, and hip flexors, Turner says. On the other hand, when you step into it, you will notice the feeling of being grounded. If you wish, you can also add small backbends to stretch your chest and open your heart chakra for an extra boost of energy.

According to Turner, crescent moon is one of the basic poses of yoga. “This pose is similar to mountain pose in its activation, except you lean from one side to the other, which emphasizes a deeper lateral stretch,” she says. say. Run it at your desk, while traveling, or whenever you need a reset. Here’s everything you need to know about crescent moon pose, including how to try it.

How to do crescent moon pose

Here, Turner explains how to huddle into crescent moon pose.

– Stand with your feet about hip-width apart.

– Stand firmly on your feet and grip the floor with your toes.

– Stand up straight and roll your shoulders back so that they form a long straight line over your hips.

– Extend your arms straight towards the sky.

– Press your palms together or cross your fingers, with your index finger out.

– Exhale and stretch your arms to the right, slightly compressing the right side of your body.

– Feel the muscles on your left side stretching, including your obliques, lateral hips, and quadriceps.

– Continue for at least two breaths.

– Inhale and return to center.

– Repeat on the other side, stretching to the upper left.

How to fix crescent moon pose

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To make this pose less stressful on your arms, it’s okay to lean to the side without reaching out. Instead, Turner suggests placing your hands at your heart or hips and using your core to bend your upper body. “These modifications reduce the tension and difficulty caused by deep upper body stretches,” she says.

For your lower body, keep your knees slightly bent, kneel down to the mat, or sit with your legs crossed in front of you with both hips firmly planted on the ground. “Make sure to switch legs when bending to the right and bending to the left,” Turner added. As you reach to the right, cross your right leg over the top. The same is true vice versa.

You can also do the crescent exercise while sitting on a chair, which is useful while working. “Keep both feet on the ground and extend both hips evenly,” says Turner. The key is to find the same feeling on both sides of your body as when you are standing.

To add a little more to crescent moon pose, incorporate a backbend to test your balance. “Rotating her chest further toward the front of the room and leaning back a little will help her open up more,” she says. “A helpful tip for this is to imagine your heart being pulled up to the ceiling by a string.”

It might also feel good to lean toward a more dynamic and intense stretch, or look up at the ceiling as another way to test your stability, says Turner. You can also grab your top wrist with your bottom hand and pull gently as you bend to create a deeper stretch.

Common mistakes to avoid with crescent moon

Because crescent moon appears to be such a simple pose, Turner says it’s easy to go through this movement without paying too much attention to the muscles you’re stretching. Don’t rush, try moving slowly and focusing on your breathing.

Alignment is also important. Make sure your body is well overlapped from your ankles to your shoulders so you can stretch safely and get the most out of your movements. Turner says if you don’t have good posture, you won’t feel the stretch as much.

As a final touch to make sure you’re fully grounded and activate all your muscles, imagine the energy pushing down toward your feet, Turner says. This anchors your body to the mat, allowing you to lean to one side and reap the full benefits of the pose.


Zappola Turnercertified yoga teacher and instructor core power yoga in san francisco

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