Home Mental Health Things people with anxiety do that come off as rude | Health

Things people with anxiety do that come off as rude | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Anxiety is a state of persistent worry and stress in everyday life. Common symptoms of anxiety include sweating, nervousness, stress, and drowsiness. There are many different types of anxiety and it can have many different reasons. While some people wake up in the morning with anxiety, others continue to worry about their health and possible future illnesses. Some struggle with relationships and equations with the people around them. However, when people are anxious, they engage in many activities that may be difficult for an outsider to understand. They often put their mental health before anything else and take a lot of action. Therapist Maytal Eshagian shares some behaviors people with anxiety take that often seem disrespectful to those who don’t understand the intensity of the stress they’re feeling.

Things People With Anxiety Do That Are Considered Rude (Unsplash)

Also read: Sleep Anxiety: Tips for calming your mind and body before bed

plan cancellation: For those who are already battling stress and anxiety, events and routines can trigger anxiety. In such cases, people may cancel plans at the last minute in order not to face the trigger.

talking too much or too little: People with anxiety can struggle to fill the silence with excessive conversations, but they can also shut themselves off completely. This comes from a fear of being judged or a strong desire to please others.

avoid eye contact: People with anxiety often experience extreme discomfort when making eye contact with others. This behavior may seem disrespectful at times, but it is also a trigger for those dealing with anxiety and stress.

Irritated: They also get irritated very easily because they have triggers that activate the fight or flight response. This further activates stress hormones and reduces your ability to cope with stressors.

get things repeated: People with anxiety have difficulty paying attention and can be easily distracted. Therefore, sometimes they ask to repeat things.

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