Home Nutrition I’m a nutritionist – here’s 26 simple ways to make carbs HEALTHY to help you lose weight

I’m a nutritionist – here’s 26 simple ways to make carbs HEALTHY to help you lose weight

by Universalwellnesssystems

Pasta, potatoes, pizza, pie… some of our favorite foods aren’t necessarily healthy.

So whether you want to improve your general health or just want to lose a few poundsa five cheese stuffed crust pizza with extra salami is probably not the way to do it.


No need to give up pasta – just tweak it to make it more nutritiousCredits: Getty – Contributor

But a “naughty” carb-based diet doesn’t always wreak havoc on your body. waist lineor serve the poor health.

In fact, our bodies actually need certain carbohydrates.

Eli Blechernutritionist and founder Eli Blecher nutritionexplains that “a moderate intake of healthy carbohydrates” is “essential for our bodies to function optimally.”

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However, it is important to note that some carbohydrates are more nutritious than others.

she said: carbohydrate Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide more fiber and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), as opposed to foods with added sugars and refined grains.

Ready to turn your most beloved carb-based dish into a healthier version?

Method is as follows…

It is often read in Diet & Diet.fitness

6 Ways to Transform Pasta

A family staple, the pasta dish can actually serve a lot of goodness, so don’t be afraid of fettuccine.

Eli recommends swapping out white pasta for whole-grain varieties. love the gut fiber.

“Or take it a step further and choose a chickpea-based pasta or red lentil pasta that’s high in fiber and protein. Both fill you up faster, so you’re less likely to overeat.” Become.”

Wondering how this newfound pasta can be eaten with kids?

“If you don’t want to overhaul your pasta variety overnight (or your child’s), start by replacing only half of your pasta with one of these options and mixing them with some white pasta.” We can get started,” says Eli. .

As for sauces, Eli suggests opting for homemade tomato sauces instead of heavy, creamy pasta sauces that can accumulate major calories and high levels of fat.

“This is rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Stir in a handful of wilted spinach for a boost of iron, vitamin K and magnesium.”

Antioxidants are necessary to protect the body’s cells from disease, and iron helps prevent fatigue.

3 Ways to Transform Your Risotto

This rice-based dish is often made with a thick, creamy sauce.

Eli recommends swapping out the heavy cream and butter for naturally creamy pureed veggies like pumpkin and butternut squash.

Plus, sneak in veggies like peas and onions for extra flavor.

“Instead of traditional risotto rice, you can also try fiber-rich grains such as brown rice or quinoa risotto.”

Eli explains that fiber is essential for gut health and helps reduce risk. Heart disease, stroke, obesity When Colorectal cancer.

“Fiber helps you lose weight because it helps your body feel full.”

4 Ways to Transform a Pie

Making a homemade pie this weekend? It doesn’t have to be a fat trap.

“Use whole wheat or oat flour for pie crust, or replace half the flour with almond flour for even more protein, fiber, and vitamin E,” says Eli.

Vitamin E is essential for a healthy immune system and helps maintain healthy skin and eyes.

“Sneak in veggies to boost the nutrition of your pie. Flavorful pies include mushrooms, chives and zucchini,” adds Eli.

If you opt for a store-bought pie, choose a crustless pie or quiche to reduce calories.

5 ways to change your pizza

Friday night pizza night just got a little healthier.

Instead of a white refined base, Eli suggests opting for a whole-wheat crust.

“Use a light cheese, top the pizza with lots of vegetables such as mushrooms, sweet corn and olives, and be mindful of portions. If you share a pizza and salad with a friend, you’ll only be able to eat half.”

You can also use whole grain wraps as a pizza base.

3 Ways to Transform a Jacket Potato

Instead of topping a humble spud with a mound of fatty cheese, try tuna, low-sugar baked beans, or shredded chicken and avocado.

“Why not turn this into a jacket sweet potato instead of a regular white potato,” says Eli.

“Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene to support a healthy immune system and have a lower glycemic index than white potatoes, making them less likely to spike blood sugar levels.

“Whatever potato you choose, make sure you eat the skin, which has the most fiber.”

5 Ways to Transform Your Sandwich

A lunchtime staple, sandwiches may be a high-carb option, but when cooked properly, they can offer many benefits.

“Choose whole-grain bread over white bread and add plenty of veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and green peppers,” says Eli.

Working from home and need to pack a sandwich? You can also use half a loaf of bread to make an open face sandwich.

“For a lighter spread, add mashed avocado, hummus, tahini, and a drizzle of olive oil over full-fat mayonnaise or butter,” Eli adds.

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Be sure to add a protein source as well to keep you feeling full longer.

Try shredded chicken or other meat (leftovers are fine too), tuna, hard-boiled egg slices, and more.

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