Home Medicine The hidden power of aloe vera peels • Earth.com

The hidden power of aloe vera peels • Earth.com

by Universalwellnesssystems

Aloe barbadensis, commonly known as aloe vera, has long been known for its ability to treat skin problems, promote digestive health, and heal wounds.

Experts now believe that the discarded bark of the aloe plant, often considered agricultural waste, may play a pivotal role in repelling insects, establishing itself as a potent natural pesticide. I discovered something.

The researchers plan to present their breakthrough results at an autumn meeting. American Chemical Society This year (ACS).

Making Aloe Vera Peel Useful

“There are probably millions of tons of aloe bark that are wasted around the world every year. We wanted to find a way to add value and help,” said Devasish, who led the study. Dr Banjopadhyay said.

Dr. Banjopadhyay made an interesting observation when visiting a local aloe vera production facility. Insects significantly avoided aloe leaves while wreaking havoc on other plants.

This observation led to a potential theory, and Dr. Banjopadhyay asked the facility’s CEO for permission to examine discarded hides in the lab. The CEO initially offered samples of the company’s products instead.

natural pesticide

A few enterprising gardeners use aloe gel as an ingredient in natural pesticides, often blended with pungent ingredients such as onions and garlic, but these formulations are significantly free of skin.

On an industrial scale, these peels are converted into biomass primarily to improve soil quality on aloe farms. However, this approach is not without environmental impacts, as the decomposition of agricultural waste emits methane and other greenhouse gases, exacerbating the climate crisis.

research focus

Recognizing the dual challenges of pesticide demand and waste management, Dr. Bandyopadhyay embarked on a mission. He set out to harness the potential of the peel as a deterrent to pest infestations, especially in areas plagued by insect infestations, and in the process make aloe production more environmentally sustainable. did.

“The goal is to make aloe production greener and more sustainable while recycling this waste in a meaningful way,” said Dr. Banjopadhyay.

his team University of Texas Rio Grande Valley They started their research by drying the hide. We adopted the natural drying method so as not to impair the physiological activity of the plant.

powerful insecticidal properties

Subsequent extraction revealed the presence of octacosane, an established mosquitoicide, in the hexane extract. However, further analysis of the dichloromethane (DCM) extract by the research team revealed even more potent insecticidal properties.

More than 20 compounds were identified using advanced techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Among them, six stand out: octacosanol, subeniatin B, dinoterb, arjungenin, nonadecanone, and quiranic acid, all of which are recognized for their insecticidal properties.

Future research

Now that the compounds have been identified, the researchers’ next step is to test them in real-world scenarios and face off against agricultural pests. These compounds also have the interesting potential to have anti-mosquito and anti-mite properties, which could pave the way for consumer-friendly insect repellents.

“By developing pesticides that avoid dangerous and toxic synthetic chemicals, we can help the agricultural sector,” Dr. Banjopadhyay said. “But if the skin has good anti-mosquito and anti-mite properties, it can also help the general public.”

Learn more about aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant known for its medical, cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. Native to the Arabian Peninsula, it is cultivated all over the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions.

medical use

Aloe vera leaf internal gel is used in a variety of over-the-counter products to treat various skin conditions. Known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it helps treat burns, sunburns and minor abrasions. Aloe vera gel can also help soothe and moisturize your skin.

Some studies suggest that aloe vera may help treat more serious conditions such as psoriasis and herpes simplex. Aloe vera consumption has been studied as a treatment for digestive problems such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, but more research is needed in these areas.

Use as cosmetics

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in skin care products, shampoos and conditioners. Its moisturizing properties make it a popular treatment for dry skin and hair. Plant antioxidants such as vitamins C and E help protect the skin from the aging effects of the sun and environmental pollutants.

Dietary supplement

Aloe vera’s internal gel can be processed into a juice that is sold as a dietary supplement. Proponents claim it supports immune function, digestion, and even blood sugar regulation, but the scientific support for some of these claims is still under investigation.

cultivation and care

Aloe vera is a popular houseplant and is relatively easy to care for. It likes well-drained soil and grows in full sun or partial shade. The plant is drought tolerant and requires minimal watering.

Environmental impact

The recent discovery that aloe vera peel can be used as a natural insecticide underscores the plant’s potential environmental benefits. Transforming what was once a waste into a valuable resource reflects a growing trend towards sustainable practices, further enhancing the reputation of this versatile plant.

Video credit: American Chemical Society


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