Home Fitness Scientists Reveal The 2 Best Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure : ScienceAlert

Scientists Reveal The 2 Best Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

When you’re told to exercise more to lower your blood pressure, you may think you need to upgrade your running gear or lift weights. But one of us (Jamie) recently published research It turns out that static exercises like planks and wall sits are actually the best ways to lower blood pressure.

This type of “isometric” exercise involves contracting a specific muscle or muscle group and holding it in a constant length during the exercise.

But lowering blood pressure is just one of the benefits of doing this type of exercise.

1. Improves heart health

Jamie’s recent study examined 270 randomized controlled trials with a total of over 15,000 participants. The results showed that the best way to lower blood pressure was to perform an average of 3 isometric sessions per week.

Each session consists of four 2-minute isometric exercises with a 1- to 4-minute rest period between each session. The resulting drop in blood pressure was comparable to that seen in people taking standard blood pressure medications.

Jamie’s research group also showed that isometric exercise improves athletic performance. Functions, structure and mechanics of our heart, the health of our vascular system and our performance autonomic nervous system. All of these changes are important for good cardiovascular health and a lower risk of disease.

This is a complex area of ​​science, but what makes isometrics so effective for cardiovascular health is their unique ability to maintain static muscle contraction. This compresses the vessel and releasing the isometric hold increases blood flow to the previously compressed vessel.

2. Improves Joint Health

Our ligaments play an important role in stabilizing our joints as we move. However, overstraining the ligaments, such as awkward landing on one foot when jumping, can lead to injury. anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) A tear is an example of a ligament injury that can have serious health consequences.

However, our muscles play an important role in reducing the force on our ligaments. create stability around the joint. Studies have also shown that training specific muscle groups through isometric exercises can reduce pressure on specific ligaments.

For example, one study found that: hamstring training (a group of muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to the knee) helped relieve pressure on the ACL. This may help prevent damage to this ligament in the future.

3. Helps address muscle imbalances

It’s common for the muscles on one side of the body to be stronger than the other. Known as limb dominance, this occurs, in part, due to something called . left-rightprefers to use one side of the body over the other.

It can also result from the body adapting to the demands of a sport (or other activity) that requires a skill that puts a lot of pressure on one side of the body. football, volleyball and basketball.

It’s usually okay for the muscles on one side of the body to be stronger than the other, but it can increase. risk of injury It can also affect athlete performance. However, doing unilateral (unilateral) isometric exercises, such as split squats and side planks, targets one side of the body and may help reduce the strength difference between the limbs.

4. Improve performance

The benefits of isometric exercise are Increased strength at a specific fixed position. Because isometric exercise has the ability to activate. a very specific muscle or muscle group.

Isometrics often mimic difficult positions such as sticking points on the bottom of a squat, holding a rugby scrum, or removing a jam jar lid. This means it helps build the strength needed to withstand the loads put on your body during exercise, sports and everyday life. This may improve exercise capacity and physical function in everyday life.

5. Easily tolerated

Isometric exercises are often used as part of physical and sports therapy rehabilitation programs for people recovering from musculoskeletal injuries. This is because it can run with limited mobility. Where is painful can be a limiting factor.

Because isometric exercises are performed in a stationary position, they are more tolerable than exercises that require a lot of movement. Similarly, if you have limited hip mobility, you can adjust the height of the wall squat so that even those with limited mobility can perform the exercise in a comfortable position.

6. Time efficient

Most studies investigating the benefits of isometric exercise heart health Participants were asked to 8 minutes of total exercise per session. This equates to doing about 4 sets of isometric exercises with each exercise lasting about 2 minutes. Then rest for 1-4 minutes between sets.

a lot of research It also shows that doing these exercises three times a week for three weeks is enough to see beneficial changes. This makes it easy to incorporate isometric exercises into even the busiest of schedules.

getting started

Isometric exercises can be done pretty effectively anywhere because you’re only using your own body weight to load your muscles.

If you don’t know where to start regarding a problem, isometric exercisesGood examples include wall squats (pressing your back against a wall while pretending to be sitting in a chair) and planks (resting on your forearms and toes, keeping your stomach level and off the ground).

Also, before starting any new exercise regimen, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is safe and effective.

Alex WalkerSports Therapy Instructor, University of East London and Jamie Edwardsexercise physiology lecturer, University of East London

This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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