Home Fitness Raju Srivastava death: Is over-exertion at the gym damaging your heart? Why a TMT test is not enough?

Raju Srivastava death: Is over-exertion at the gym damaging your heart? Why a TMT test is not enough?

by Universalwellnesssystems

The death of comedian Raju Srivastava last month after suffering cardiac arrest and collapsing on a treadmill raised an important issue. Should there be limits to exercise therapy? Is an obsession with leanness stressing the mind? Cardiologists found that a weekly exercise regimen of 150 minutes is sufficient, and longer exercise has additional benefits. In fact, if the person is already predisposed to heart disease and suffers from markers such as high blood pressure, anxiety, or silent blockages that previously did no harm, it can do harm.

“All you need is 150 minutes five days a week, or 30 minutes every day. Yes, this rotation regime is good for both physical and mental health: stop exercising if you feel discomfort and get tested before adopting a high-intensity regimen. Mumbai.

“Regular exercise can help increase your heart rate, improve your heart muscle, and increase your lung capacity. On the other hand, there is also the phenomenon of over-exercising. associated with an increased risk of It’s a type of arrhythmia that can be fatal if left untreated.In addition, it can increase the risk of heart abnormalities, especially for patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease,” says Shalby Hospitals. said Dr. Shalin Thakore, Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Ahmedabad.

What is hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, usually caused by genes, is when the walls of the heart chamber (left ventricle) become thicker than normal. The thickened walls can become stiffer, reducing the amount of blood taken in and pumped out of the body with each heartbeat. A thickened part of the heart muscle, usually he the wall (septum) between the two lower chambers (ventricles), blocks or reduces blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta.

“This can cause sudden cardiac arrest and patients require resuscitation in the first 60 seconds. In fact, we need to train students in schools and colleges about CPR. We have to know how to do it, and we have to have defibrillators, schools and college students in every public place,” says Dr Shah.

What to do at Pregym: More than Just a TMT Test

Dr. RR Kasliwal, Chairman of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology at Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon, advocates a complete heart workup for gym-goers and those who engage in strenuous activity. “TMT[treadmill test]alone is ineffective. Nowadays, we have CT angiography that can distinguish between 40-50% occlusion. Don’t show up for TMT.Always know your heart before you start any strenuous activity.Many people who have had a cardiac arrest can’t live to speak.”

He said the same should apply to everyone who stopped exercising during the pandemic and has now resumed their previous routines. he said.

Dr. Kasriwal COVID-19 The patient’s condition is also very important. “If you have had Covid-19, and if Covid-19 is known to lead to sudden cardiac death over time, it is very important to have your heart health checked. People can also have a high heart rate (tachycardia).”

Intensity and duration act as key factors
“When the treadmill is run at very high speeds or inclines, there is a double effect: heart rate and blood pressure, which are determinants of the heart’s oxygen demand. , can cause undue stress to compromised cardiac circulation in the setting of cardiac occlusion, causing sudden arrhythmia, excessive hypotension, or heart attack.Such persons should be evaluated urgently with coronary angiography. patients should undergo appropriate revascularization procedures, such as stent placement, according to current guidelines.”

Vigorous activity causes shortness of breath and profuse sweating. Instead, do moderate-intensity workouts that include activities that get your heart rate up, such as casual sports, brisk walking, jogging, biking, and swimming. “To reap the health benefits, everyone should engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day. Testing fitness and build should be avoided. Whether you’re a deaf or a veteran, don’t overdo it, and give your body enough time to heal and recover.If anything goes wrong, talk to your doctor.” adds Dr. Thakore.

How to prevent overwork?

Exercise has direct and indirect beneficial effects on the heart. Direct effects include helping the heart muscle become stronger and pump more blood with each beat, as well as its ability to withstand abnormal heart rhythms. It includes beneficial effects on cholesterol, body fat, all of which reduce the chance of heart attack.

“It is important to keep in mind that sudden cardiac death rarely occurs in people with healthy hearts. There is no absolute upper limit for a single session of exercise and it depends on the individual’s training level. As such, any exercise should not increase by more than 10% compared to previous exercise.Environmental conditions should also be considered, and outdoor exercise in extreme weather conditions should be avoided. This is one of those scenarios where even healthy people can have serious consequences,” said Dr Aashish Contractor, Director of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai. .

He says, “Another way to look at ‘excessive exercise’ is the overall amount of exercise accumulated over years. It indicates that it may cause some changes and lead to calcium build-up in the coronary arteries. We all know that moderate exercise is the best way to get the best health benefits, so how can we reduce our risk? can be reduced by
1. Health check before participation
2. Pay attention to warning signs
3. A sensible and appropriate training program.

Balance your fitness routine with a healthy diet

Indians are genetically prone to developing heart disease 15 to 20 years earlier than Westerners and Japanese. And since our genes cannot be changed, we need to look at modifiable factors such as lifestyle, sleep cycles and stress. Did you know that a single cigarette can last 3-6 months?A rough estimate is that cigarettes reduce your life span by 5-7 minutes, meaning a moderate smoker can easily shorten your life by 3 We can shave five years off from a year, and instead of ‘no smoking’ banners, we need to start a ‘Why You Shouldn’t Start Smoking’ campaign,” says Dr. Shah.

A proper diet and regular exercise are necessary to maintain physical and mental health. “When people train at high intensity and consume less, the body uses up its nutrient reserves, causing deficits. Conducive to mental health issues and more Match your diet to your workout plan Choose healthy carbs to power your brain and body Carbs recharge your body after exercise High quality post-workout Eating protein helps repair muscle microtears and promotes blood flow. Some fats are actually healthy despite being high in calories. You can also look for sunflower oil, soybean oil and various nuts and seeds
This is because it contains omega fatty acids. In conclusion, the benefits of exercise should not be questioned. On the contrary, they should be strengthened. However, moderate activity and a healthy diet are highly recommended for heart health,” says Thakore.

Dr Shah advocates the ‘Ek chamach kam’ (one teaspoon) campaign. This involves reducing the use of the three whites in our diet: salt, sugar and oil. more fruits and vegetables. Keep cakes and junk food to a minimum. ”

When should I test my heart health?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) can begin in the early teens. Plaque may form in its early days. “To prevent further accumulation, the first blood pressure, glucose and lipid profile tests should be done at age 18 and every 3-4 years thereafter. Check your blood pressure at every visit. ECG should be done annually after age 40. Adjust frequency according to doctor’s instructions, depending on other parameters: 60 for those not receiving interventions, keeping an eye on LDL levels Keep below mg/dL, and keep below 30 mg/dL for people undergoing cardiac interventions such as stenting,” Dr. Shah advises. There is no one-size-fits-all test. What we need is a good alert level.

Understanding plaque rupture

Describing these sudden episodes, Cardiologist, Epidemiologist and President of Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) Professor K. Srinath Reddy said: This is because the available blood supply does not meet the increased oxygen demands of the exercising body and the strained heart. A stroke (acute myocardial infarction) may occur. This may occur without prior warning symptoms. Even 30% of plaques can rupture and cause the formation of large occlusive thrombi. ”

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